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Property taxes could pay for $25 billion Delta tunnels without public vote Major water districts in California are quietly considering using property taxes -- and possibly raising them without a vote of the public -- to help fund ...
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Tax assessor talks about property tax situation in Stephens County With the county's property tax rate going up for the first time since 2008, Stephens County Tax Assessor Christen Collier is answering some questions.
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GM could add 1750 jobs, invest $800M in Michigan with tax credit The amendment increases the number of jobs allowed for the state tax credit to 6,750 from 5,000 at GM's Warren Technical Center. That indicates the ...
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Tax breaks sought for proposed Marriott Fairfield hotel near Carrier Circle Rendering shows the proposed 108-room Marriott Fairfield Inn & Suites at 6593 Weighlock Drive in DeWitt. Developer Peter Muserlian is seeking tax ...
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Board puts soda tax before San Francisco voters San Francisco lawmakers narrowly agreed Tuesday to place a 2-cent-per-ounce tax on sugary drinks on the November ballot, a move that promises to ...
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Sen. Durbin derides Walgreen for possible tax-driven overseas move Illinois Sen. Dick Durbin on Tuesday urged Walgreen Co. to reconsider a possible move of its headquarters to Switzerland to lower its U.S. tax bill.
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Obamacare tax credit ruling could affect up to 500000 Michiganders Attorney General Bill Schuette supported the plaintiffs in a suit that, for now, would overturn tax credits for health insurance in 36 states, including ... Implementing Health Reform: Appellate Decisions Split On Tax Credits In ACA Federal Exchange - Health Affairs Blog
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Sales tax might help spruce up Mandan's Strip MANDAN, N.D. -- Officials in Mandan are considering using city sales tax money to spruce up store fronts and business landscaping along the 2-mile ...
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Property tax plan would return mosquito control to Brooksville The board voted 4-1 to kill the existing property tax for mosquito control and fold that operation into the general fund. The move would allow spraying ...
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Noonan signals 'less cuts, less tax increases' in budget Minister for Finance Michael Noonan has signalled 'less cut backs and less tax increases' than previously expected in October's budget.
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Tax subsidies helped 300000 in tri-state area get health insurance President Barack Obama's signature healthcare law received a setback and affirmation in two appellate court rulings issued within hours of each other ...
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Corporate tax dodgers might make Congress actually do something It's unlikely, but if more companies join the scramble to leave the US for tax purposes, Congress may very well break its habit and pass some ...
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Proposed margin tax may cripple many of the state's businesses Imposing the initiative's tax on top of the state's existing Modified Business Tax would create an almost 15 percent state corporate income tax, which is ...
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Narrow Push on Overseas Tax Breaks Advances in Senate The U.S. Senate advanced an attempt by Democrats to limit tax breaks for companies moving jobs out of the U.S.. On a 93-7 vote, the Senate ...
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Despite budget cuts, Miami-Dade expects property-tax windfall in 2015 Miami-Dade is on track to enjoy a windfall of property taxes next year. Even though it included no overall increase in tax rates, Mayor Carlos ...
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Sales-tax collections shows Valley growth Sales-tax collections for the region show the area is making gains economically, but the growth is modest. Sales and use tax collections, which mirror ...
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Norwalk Tax Sale nets $5.1M NORWALK -- The Norwalk Tax Collector's Office took in over $5.1 million in the run-up to and during the city's 2014 Tax Sale, according to officials.
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'Soda Tax' added to November ballot The San Francisco Board of Supervisors agreed to let voters decide whether the city should be the first in the country to levy a tax on sugary drinks.
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Tax Reform & Tax Cuts: More Work To Be Done Last year many Wisconsin residents celebrated Wisconsin's first measurable tax cuts in nearly a decade. In addition to cutting taxes, progress was ...
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Beware Tax Missteps Called 'Willful' Triggering IRS Penalties Or Jail Besides, on many key tax subjects, the IRS says that with hardly any effort, you could easily learn the IRS requirements. Surprisingly, some tax ...
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'Sin tax can help fund a dozen AIIMSs' Health Minister Harsh Vardhan is pleased with the tobacco tax imposed by Finance Minister Arun Jaitley in the recent Budget. Not just because young ...
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Tax Free weekend around the corner for SC shoppers South Carolina's "Tax Free" weekend begins August 1 and ends August 3. This is the 14th year shoppers can save on taxes when they do their ...
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Tax a WET blanket for Aussie winemakers WINE veteran Wolf Blass is funding research to determine how to stop tax rebates meant to support small Australian winemakers from being exploited ...
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Anti-tax group sues to kick Citizens United advisory measure off ballot The Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Assn., an anti-tax group, filed a lawsuit Tuesday to block a non-binding advisory measure on Citizens United from ...
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Capital Gains Tax on Rental Property Sale Depreciation is an income tax deduction that enables taxpayers to recover the cost of certain property, including rental property. The annual allowance ...
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Income tax office opens special counters BANGALORE: Department of Income Tax is organizing special counters at Gayathri Vihar in Palace ground to facilitate filing the returns of income of ...
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Carbon tax hasn't harmed BC growers, study finds VANCOUVER— B.C's carbon tax has had no overall negative impact on the province's agriculture sector since being introduced in 2008, according to ...
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Tax Code and International Taxation Finance and tax policy experts testified on the U.S. system of international taxation and ways to reverse the growing trend of American companies ...
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Fair tax? Non-profit vendors charge sales tax for first time Girl Scouts, Cub Scouts, fire companies and church groups all have posted the tax with their menu prices, as required. In obvious protest, some have ...
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NC tax breaks OK'd for 250 IT jobs in Charlotte A state committee that approves North Carolina's main tax break to attract businesses on Tuesday allowed Spectra Growth Inc. to save up to $3 million ...
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Proposed Flagler tax rate lower than current, higher than rolled-back BUNNELL — The proposed property tax rate approved Tuesday by Flagler County officials is lower than the current tax rate but higher than the rate ...
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Property tax increase proposed for Athens school improvements To achieve this, voters would need to pass an ad valorem property tax increase of 9-12 mills. "Plan B" would cover two-thirds of the listed plans, and ...
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Wolf Creek sales tax issue goes to voters If approved by Wolf Creek voters Aug. 26, the 3 percent sales tax on luxuries would be effective from April 1-Nov. 15 each year for 20 years beginning ...
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Dems seek tax penalties for firms off-shoring jobs A bill that would end tax breaks to companies shipping jobs overseas could be the latest casualty in the increasing tension between U.S. Senate ...
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Lidl publishes UK tax bill for the first time German discount retailer Lidl has published the amount of corporation tax it pays in Britain for the first time. Lidl, which has around 600 stores in the ...
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Tax holiday set for August 3 during the state of Missouri's Back-to-School Sales Tax Holiday. Both the city of Maryville and Nodaway County are participating in the event this ...
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Taxes: Are They Lower or Higher than the Past or Just Plain Different? I remember the tax-cutting years in previous political eras. Those were the good old days. Now it's easy to get the impression we have higher income ...
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Study shows film tax incentives pay off ALBUQUERQUE (KRQE) – A study that lawmakers have been waiting years for, finally sheds light on if New Mexico is simply throwing tax dollars into ...
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Stothert proposes property tax cut in 2015 budget Omaha Mayor Jean Stothert proposed a general spending increase of 2.3 percent and a 2 percent property tax cut in the city budget plan delivered ...
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Commercial tax department detects Rs 360 crore of illegal transactions by ceramic traders AHMEDABAD: The state commercial tax department detected illegal transactions worth Rs 300 crore in a raid conducted on 19 ceramic dealers in ...
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Inheritance Tax advice and Planning SFS can offer personalised recommendations for your estate planning needs – after first taking into account your individual circumstances. Potential ...
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Winnipeg mayor Sam Katz received tax credits after listing Arizona mansion as primary residence This week it emerged Mr. Katz's Arizona home is listed as his primary residence, entitling him to over US$1,000 in tax credits, while his Winnipeg ...
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Workshop Highlights Tax Breaks These days Long Island residents are trying to save a buck whenever and wherever they can, especially when it comes to property taxes. To try and ...
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Appeals court undercuts key tax plank in health care law WASHINGTON -- A top appeals court on Tuesday undercut a key plank of the Affordable Care Act, ruling that tax credits that help consumers buy ... Alabama AG Luther Strange's Tax Hike Plan Wins Temporary Federal Court Victory - Left In Alabama - Front Page
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Welsh tax deal could change if Scots get more power The UK government has said it could reconsider its plans to give the Welsh government income tax powers if Scotland gets more control over income ...
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Campaign for Liberty Strongly Opposes Internet Sales Tax Bill SPRINGFIELD, Virginia - Today, Campaign for Liberty again came out strongly against the so-called “Marketplace Fairness Act,” which the Senate is ...
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Have We Created a Two-Tiered Tax System—One for the Powerful and One for the An understaffed IRS can't keep up with hedge funds and 501(c)(4) organizations that skirt the tax law. Do we have a two-tiered tax system?
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Corporate Tax Deferral, Inversions And The Destructive Result Our anti-government, anti-tax policies have seriously benefited the few gazillionaires who are paying to promote and propagandize these policies, but ...
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Moosic woman pushes for tax breaks for disabled Sara Wolff, 31, a board member of the National Down Syndrome Society since 2007, will urge a Senate panel to create a tax break similar to the ...
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Taxes don't deter rich New Yorkers Wealthy New York City residents who do move tend to stay relatively close to their old home in other high-tax states.
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GOP Plays “Snake Line” Politics With The Child Tax Credit The House is about to take up what Republicans call an “improvement” of the child tax credit. As is usually the case with the conservative extremists ...
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Aussie Carbon Tax Repeal Discourages Cap-And-Traders Across The Planet Australia's repeal of its controversial carbon tax last week has gotten other countries thinking about ditching their own carbon dioxide emissions ...
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Region's tax administrators meeting in Guyana Drawn from 11 territories, tax administrators are meeting in Guyana for five days to deliberate on a number of tax issues, exchange ideas and share ...
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New 15% Tax? Isle of Man and Gibraltar Gaming Companies Will Stay Put The tax man cometh in the form of a 15% point of consumption tax on UK gamblers. Gaming companies serving UK gamblers will now be taxed.
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The Facts About Back-to-School Tax Holidays Even while economists and politicians debate the good, bad, and ugly of back-to-school tax holidays, one thing's clear: customers love them, and ...
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Federal Update – Bill Extends Sales Tax to Internet Sales, Moratorium on Taxing Internet Access A new bipartisan bill, the Marketplace and Internet Tax Freedom Act (MITFA)(S.2609), was recently introduced in the U.S. Senate addressing two ...
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Sheheen's road funding proposal rejects gas tax Democratic candidate for governor Vincent Sheheen said Tuesday that he does not think South Carolina should increase its gas tax to pay for ...
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5 Giant Un-American Corporations Trying to Bolt US to Avoid Taxes Corporations also enjoy lower tax rates than people do. (Except for the people who make a gain from the shares: they get a special, even lower tax ...
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Property Tax Increase On The Agenda For County Commissioners Coffee County commissioners will meet Tuesday night (July 22) with a property tax increase on the agenda. The Coffee County Budget and Finance ...
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Federal court panel votes to defund Obamacare, but ruling isn't the last word 8:15 AM PT: Very important: Obama admin official says that while appeals are pending Obamacare's "premium tax credits will continue, unchanged."
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Republicans To Enable Tax Evasion While Roads Crumble I certainly do not support permanent tax increases to pay for just 10 months of highway programs. Furthermore, it is inconceivable that the House ...
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The Best Way to Spend Your Tax Free Weekend in Pigeon Forge From August 1-3, 2014, Tennessee is celebrating their annual tax free weekend holiday. Whether you want to do a little bit of leisure shopping, you're ...
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Tax avoidance, and corporate responsibility That, at least, is the conclusion that I came to after reading an excellent report on tax avoidance titled Offshore Shell Games, and published last month ...
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Green card holders, treaty elections, and exit tax Because of differences in the tax laws, a particular item of income that is tax-free in that country will be taxable to her client on his U.S. income tax ...
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Senate Finance Hearing on Corporate Tax Avoidance pic-taxes-file On July 22, the Senate Finance Committee held a hearing entitled: “The U.S. Tax Code: Love It, Leave It or Reform It!” on the ...
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Omaha mayor proposes 'very modest' property tax cut, restaurant tax on back burner Left standing, all 2.5 percent of the city's restaurant tax. In fact, according to the mayor, the ever growing restaurant tax—one of the her campaign ...
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FL nonprofit allegedly gets taxpayer grants after IRS revokes tax status “The tax-exempt classification was an essential requirement for both the CBDG funds administered by the County and the Homestead CRA funds,” an ...
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The History of Payroll Taxes in the United States, Part 1 The United States currently has one of the most progressive tax systems in the industrialized world…but it wasn't always that way. Currently, taxes ...
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Boeing profits, shying from Shea, bad boss tax… In The Hill — Reid tees up bill to end tax break on outsourcing — Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) set up a procedural vote on a bill that ...
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Tax Tips and Traps Here are two topics you'd probably rather not think about: Divorce and Taxes. If you're separated or newly divorced, however, it could be worth your ...
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Money Losing Missouri Transportation Tax Tax and spend critics have been saying pretty much this same thing all along . . . KC will see more outflow than inflow from transportation tax. In other ...
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How NorCo Can Avoid A Tax Hike Next Year I've written several times now that I don't know how Northampton County can avoid a tax hike next year. But yesterday afternoon, I met a statesman ...
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Why You Should NOT Name Your Estate as IRA Beneficiary Ed Slott and Company – IRA, Tax, Retirement Planning Articles, Insight ⋅ noreply@blogger.com (Jared Trexler) IRA and retirement planning information presented by Ed Slott and Company, America's IRA Experts. Includes daily IRA, tax and retirement planning ...
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Bedroom Tax for [Twitter] Dummies Here's an excellent series of rebuttals to arguments put in favour of the bedroom tax. Please employ extensively - not just on Twitter but everywhere!
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High Corporate Taxes: One Explanation for America's Painful Recovery The answer to this problem is simple: stop holding the market back, and lower the corporate tax rate. With the highest effective corporate tax rate in the ...
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Federal Tax Liens for July 23, 2014 A charge or claim against the property of a person or legal entity owing federal taxes in order to secure payment of the taxes. These documents were ...
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The Internet Sales Tax is Back - And this time it might pass The House last week easily approved a bill dubbed the Permanent Internet Tax Freedom Act that would renew a longstanding ban on taxing access to ...
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International Tax Lunch: Expatriation and Covered Expatriate Status This month's International Tax Lunch will be a detailed guide on how to determine whether your client who is expatriating is a covered expatriate and ...
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Wally Tax - Love In (1967 dutch, fabulous orchestrated jazzy folk tunes, 2012 edition) In the summer of 1967, at the height of The Outsiders' success in Holland, Wally Tax decided to record a solo album. Far from containing the heavy ...
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Aussie Carbon Tax Repeal Discourages Cap-And-Traders Across The Planet Certainly has everyone thinking now… Check it out: Australia's repeal of its controversial carbon tax last week has gotten other countries thinking ...
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Critical Oil Tax Debate Wednesday! The first in the series is coming up, so clear your evening Wednesday night and see both sides discuss the upcoming oil tax referendum – Ballot ...
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Why Is the Present Corporate Tax Rate Good? Yet inversions are symptomatic of a corporate tax system that is highly distortionary, unstable and riddled with loopholes. The headline rate of 35% is ...
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some good news for a change about the irs voluntary certification program A recent “issue” of the National Association of Tax Professional's TAXPRO WEEKLY email newsletter included the following item (the highlight is mine) ...
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Florida School Tax-Free Weekend August 1-3 Jessie R. Box ECB Publishing, Inc. The Florida three-day tax break on school supplies is set for Aug. 1-3. Shoppers will not have to pay sales taxes on ...
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Wheel Tax Mania But the hot new trend among the "I don't want to pay for my street" crowd is the demand for a Wheel Tax upon all vehicles registered in the city.
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Senate Report: Hedge Funds Used Basket Options to Save Billions in Taxes And when we say “billions,” the report indicates it's more like tens of billions, since the paper estimates that the tax reduction achieved at one hedge ...
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Republicans Want To Pay For VA Funding. Okay, How About 10% Tax On Corporate Money ... Okay, How About 10% Tax On Corporate Money Hidden Overseas. July 23, 2014 by Mark. We are a few month out from the scandal that rocked the ...
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A Breatkthrough in Polling on a US Carbon Tax A surprising but frustrating obstacle to carbon tax progress has been opinion polling. It took years for pollsters to even *ask* about a carbon tax rather ...
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GAINS POPULARITY WITH LOCAL FIRE DEPARTMENTS It's part of a growing and, to critics, troubling trend as financially strained government agencies try to supplement tax revenue with more user-based ...
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MA: State warns about tax telephone scam (AP) - State authorities are warning Massachusetts residents about a nationwide phone scam that aggressively targets […]
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Tax Assessor / Collector Tax Assessor/Collector. 1505 East McKinney Street, Denton, TX 76209-4525. Courthouse-on-the-Square ... Public Notices. Tax Rate Information ...
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Income Tax rates and allowances Example You earn £35,000 of taxable income and your Personal Allowance is £10,000. You pay basic rate tax at 20% on £25,000 (£35,000 minus ...
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Idaho State Tax Refund Status Information You can check the status of your Idaho state tax refund online at the Idaho State Tax Commission website. You will need to know the primary Social ...
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Community Tax, LLC Community Tax will investigate, negotiate and defend you against the IRS and State Tax Authorities. Community Tax is a full service professional tax ...
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Massachusetts Ballot Referendum Challenges Gas Tax Indexing This November Massachusetts will vote to repeal House Bill 3847. The law, signed in 2013, raised the state's gas tax from 21 to 24 cents per gallon ...
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Capital Tax & Accounting Services, Ltd. Capital Tax & Accounting Services, Ltd. provides individuals and businesses with reliable, professional, effective accounting, payroll and ...
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Law Article Discusses Post-DOMA Tax Changes A law professor wrote an article discussing our work ensuring state tax guidance to same-sex couples after DOMA was struck down. About half the ...
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National Association of Tax Professionals Our mission at National Association of Tax Professionals (NATP) is simple — to serve our members by providing the support, education, products, and ...
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Tax Practice & Procedure CCH® Expert Treatise Library. This premier Treatise Library gives you up-to-date, comprehensive expert guidance to help you ...
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Cornerstone Wealth & Tax Advisory Group Learn about working at Cornerstone Wealth & Tax Advisory Group. Join LinkedIn today for free. See who you know at Cornerstone Wealth & Tax ...
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Stop Inversions with Tax Cuts The corporate inversion trend tells us that global tax competition is intense and that U.S. tax reform is long overdue. Our combined federal-state ...
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State Taxes and the April Surprise In recent months, several governors have complained about the April, 2014, surprise in state tax revenues. They say they were shocked when ...
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FBC, Canada's Farm & Small Business Tax Specialist Learn about working at FBC, Canada's Farm & Small Business Tax Specialist. Join LinkedIn today for free. See who you know at FBC, Canada's Farm ...
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Federal Direct Tax Services ... Direct Tax Services. Join LinkedIn today for free. See who you know at Federal Direct Tax Services, leverage your professional network, and get hired.
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Medtronic and other tax deals raised by Senate panel WASHINGTON — Medtronic CEO Omar Ishrak was among the CEOs who declined to attend a U.S. Senate hearing Tuesday about the tax implications ...
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Mac lost 2013 tax return I logged on to our Mac to print a copy of our 2013 Tax Return and Turbo Tax informed me of an update. I installed the update and then attempted to ...
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GOP Shoves Massive Tax Hike Down Middle-Class Voters Throats "GOP Shoves Massive Tax Hike Down Middle-Class Voters Throats". Submitted by Charles Gaba on Tuesday, July 22, 2014 - 2:17pm. OK, now that ...
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Credit Suisse in steep loss after US tax case It resulted in what the bank called a final settlement of the US government's case against the bank for helping wealthy Americans avoid paying taxes ...
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The curious incidence of the corporate income tax The recent surge in corporate inversions—companies buying or merging with foreign firms to change their tax rate—has rekindled attention to ...
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Credit Suisse has $779M loss in 2Q due US tax case The Zurich-based bank pleaded guilty in May to aiding U.S. tax evaders and agreed to pay about $2.6 billion to the U.S. government and regulators.
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Calif. Law Covers Lapse in Mortgage Forgiveness Tax Protection California Gov. Jerry Brown signed into law a measure extending state income tax relief to borrowers with canceled or forgiven mortgage debt.
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Senate: Renaissance Hedge Fund Avoided $6 Billion in Taxes in Bogus Scheme With Banks By Pam Martens: July 22, 2014 Senator Carl Levin, Chair of the U.S. Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations Only one word comes to mind ...
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Tax Structures Tax Structures | Unwavering commitment to the success of our clients.
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Kleinbard: Tax Inversions Must Be Stopped Now In an inversion, a large U.S. firm acquires a much smaller target company domiciled in a tax-friendly jurisdiction such as Ireland or the U.K., but the ...
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Tax Consequences of New SEC MMMF Rule Could Hurt Charities, Universities, Municipalities “Unless the tax provision questions are addressed, the new rule will result in significant new regulatory and book keeping burdens, which will likely be ...
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Senate Report Criticizes Hedge Funds While that type of option product was identified as abusive in a public memorandum by the IRS 2010, taxes have yet to be collected on many of the ...
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Inversions Highlight Unfairness of the Tax Code The practice, known as a corporate inversion, involves buying a foreign corporation and setting up the combined company's tax address overseas ...
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The Simple Sham Behind Corporate Tax Evasion We continually hear that the U.S. has the highest corporate tax rate, and regularly entertain public proposals for "tax holidays" where corporations ...
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Tax Evasion and Fraud in the EU The objective of this conference is to provide tax law specialists with information on the latest developments in EU legislation, as well as a detailed ...
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adjust tax allowances Where 1 or 2 allowances may result in my owing taxes to the government? This is a tolerable outcome for me, but I do need to know about the ...
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Tax Rates Background. By combining our expertise, experience and the team mentality of our staff, we assure that every client receives the close analysis and ...
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What does the Texas sales tax holiday mean for me? If you answered “yes” to either of these questions, look out for the upcoming Texas sales tax holiday! Starting at 12:01AM on Friday, August 8th, most ...
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