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NEWS | ||||||||
Denver preschool tax increase passes City Council committee A proposed extension and increase in the Denver preschool sales tax is a step closer to making the November ballot. The City Council's Government ...
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Brownback tax cuts that ravaged surplus hinder re-election bid Sam Brownback got the personal and corporate income-tax cuts he demanded to stimulate the Kansas economy. Now he and his state have to live ...
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Carbon tax top of upper house agenda again The upper house will enter a gruelling schedule of extended sitting hours to deal with priority government business including legislation to repeal the ...
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Tax removal means lower prices: business "The carbon tax was a dead weight on the Australian economy and abolishing it is a win for consumers, a win for energy users and a win for business," ...
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Tax consultant recants claim Brownback's office helping purge tax appeals board Overland Park-based tax consultant Jerry Chatam said in a letter to clients that he worked with Gov. Sam Brownback's office to rid the Kansas Board of ...
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Nonprofit wins tax appeal on Mahwah property whose use remains at issue However, the status of its tax obligations for 2009 and 2010 and 2012 through 2014 remains unclear, and the legality of its use of the property as a ...
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Chile Senate Approves Tax Package Chile's senate has approved President Michelle Bachelet's tax package, clearing another hurdle in a push to have the package ready for the 2015 ...
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CBDT to settle tax disputes of Rs 1.34 lakh cr to boost govt revenues The tax department has prepared a blueprint for disposal of cases locked in appeals worth Rs 1,34,000 crore in the current financial year in order to ...
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Rich tax retained due to revenue considerations: RK Tewari Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) Chairman R K Tewari says the Budget proposal of imposing capital gains tax on foreign portfolio funds will lend ...
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Tax preparer facing fraud charges According to court reports, a woman told Racine Police investigators that in 2012 she filed a return at the Liberty Tax Office at 1504 State St. with ...
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Commuter tax may last years The commuter tax that Scranton plans to impose would automatically go away once the city's pension plans are no longer so seriously distressed, but ...
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Corporate Tax: Is It All About Patriotism And Morality? Well, it was only a matter of time before the tax and morality debate that has been brewing in Europe invaded the shores of the United States.
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Bedroom tax must be axed says Nick Clegg in dramatic Lib Dem U-turn Nick Clegg will set the Lib Dems on a major collision course with the Tories over his plea to axe the hated Bedroom Tax. The Deputy PM has finally ...
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Senators renew Internet sales tax push Senators seeking to give states broader latitude to charge sales taxes on Internet purchases are preparing a last-ditch effort to pass legislation through ...
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Tax renewal on Aug. 5 ballot in Emmett Township The tax would raise $314,857 in the first year, according to Public Safety Director Mike Olson. The cost to the owner of a $100,000 home with an ...
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Schumer: Tax changes could bring 13000 overseas jobs back to New York U.S. Sen. Charles Schumer says a tax change proposed in a Senate bill would provide incentives for companies to bring 13,000 overseas jobs back to ...
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Tax renewal on Aug. 5 ballot in Emmett Township Township officials are asking voters to approve a 10-year, 1 mill property tax renewal to pay for vehicles and equipment for the public safety ...
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Tax Watch targets Makati doctors DOCTORS IN MAKATI were the latest to be put in the spotlight as part of a government campaign against tax evasion, with compliance examined ...
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$200 million school construction tax to be on November ballot in Cleveland Cleveland voters will decide on a proposed $200 million school construction tax in November. The school board voted tuesday to put the issue on the ...
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Tax-free weekend in Auburn set for beginning of August The Auburn City Council approved a tax-free weekend for Auburn stores this past June. The tax-free weekend, which removes the Alabama state and ...
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Lap dances still tax-free in Philadelphia after court ruling The city, according to court documents, attempted to extend the tax to dances for the tax years 2008 to 2010 after audits by city tax agents. Lawyers for ...
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Liquor tax revenues up in June but down for the year JONESBORO, AR (KAIT) – Jonesboro alcohol sales tax revenues were up in June compared to last year, but the year-to-date total is down nearly 10 ...
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BLOGS | ||||||||
Tax Brackets Provides an overview of federal income tax brackets, including recent income tax tables; also offers a calculation demonstrating how the tables are ...
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2014 Federal Income Tax Rates Provides federal income tax rates, including the tax schedule for single, married filers, qualifying widow(er), head of household, and an example ...
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Budgets, Taxes, and Takeovers Kansas GOP Governor Sam Brownback believes tax cuts pay for themselves by yielding billions in new tax revenues. With his encouragement, the ...
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RIP Australia's Carbon Tax That carbon tax has cost three prime ministerships, confused the voting population, and achieved pretty much nothing. Other market dynamics have ...
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Tax Friendly States 2014 Provides rankings of the most and least tax-friendly states for both residents and businesses; includes property, income and sales tax in the ...
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Laffer's International Tobacco Taxation Handbook Gives Governments Roadmap to Optimize Tax ... LONDON – As excise taxes become increasingly important throughout the world, Dr. Arthur Laffer today released his international tobacco tax ...
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Australia's controversial carbon tax is axed as repeal bills clear the Senate “Today the tax that you voted to get rid of is finally gone. A useless, destructive tax which damaged jobs, which hurt families' cost of living and which ...
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Nothing New Under the Sun: The Sad History of the Tax Extenders. Nice piece by Tax Notes reporter Lindsey McPherson describing the recent history of the tax extenders. Four take-aways: There is always last-minute ...
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Australia Repeals Carbon Tax In a major setback to effort to combat climate change, Australia's Abbott government has secured a repeal of the carbon tax. It is the first major country ...
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Bankruptcy looms for tax scheme investors Investors in tax arrangements that are the focus of a government crackdown face potential financial ruin, advisers warned, as their clients are landed ...
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US Democrats press for a crackdown against corporate tax deals These are when U.S. companies switch their addresses to low-tax nations like Ireland, often through a takeover of a smaller company, reducing their ...
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Companies Moving Overseas To Avoid US Tax Rates More American companies are moving their headquarters overseas to avoid the punishing tax rates here in the United States. We have one of the ...
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Get the Facts: Courier-Mail statement on impact of carbon tax repeal “Council has absorbed the majority of the carbon tax impost for the past two years. In our current budget we have absorbed the majority of an ...
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Happy Parenthood! 3 Tax Planning Moves To Consider Making For Your New Child Ed Slott and Company – IRA, Tax, Retirement Planning Articles, Insight ⋅ noreply@blogger.com (Jared Trexler) Here are 3 tax planning moves you should consider making for your new child.
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Blogging History: Tax avoidance topologies; RIP, Cronkite Maps of corporate tax-avoidance hairballs: OpenCorporates has a data-visualization tool for peering into the corporate tax-evasion structures of big ...
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Does Your Relief Fund Offer Tax-Deductible Donations and Tax-Free Grants? Donors will often choose charities or organizations that allow for tax-deductible donations because it's a chance to both do some good and receive the ...
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Sales tax referendum could still happen In an odd twist, the N.C. Senate bill to kill Mecklenburg County's proposal on raising the local sales tax could technically allow the voter referendum to ...
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Lib Dems have had 6 chances to oppose the Bedroom Tax – now The front page of the Daily Mirror this morning carries the news that Nick Clegg now opposes the Bedroom Tax – begging the question, with less than ...
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the New World of Tax Information Exchange Agreements Offshore tax evasion is a serious problem for countries all over the world and they therefore have a shared interest in cooperating with each other ...
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Examining Historic Tax Credits Historic tax credits (HTCs) provide a strong incentive for developers to preserve and renovate historic buildings instead of demolishing and building ...
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The carbon tax is gone. Will prices come down? Ahead of the carbon tax in 2009 the present minister for agriculture Barnaby Joyce said the carbon tax would be “the end of Australia's sheep industry” ...
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The Role of Tax Code in State Business Climate Rankings For example, the Tax Foundation, a conservative-leaning nonpartisan think-tank, publishes a business tax climate ranking based solely on a state's ...
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The US Is the Only G-7 Country Clinging to an Outmoded Worldwide Tax System Such deals reflect the deep flaws in the United States' corporate tax system. The US has the highest statutory corporate tax rate among developed ...
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Bailiffs And Arrears: The Effect Of Council Tax Benefit Cuts Council tax benefit used to mean that, if you qualify, you don't have to pay some or all of your council tax bill. Before the changes 4.9m households in ...
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Cows Moo, Dogs Bark, Labour Deny Tax Increase WE'LL TAX THE ARSES OFF THE MIDDLE CLASSES. ... Harriet's remarks are NOT specific to a so-called “progressive” tax system (a system where ...
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US companies look overseas for tax bill relief These deals, called inversions, have raised concerns among some U.S. lawmakers over the potential for lost tax revenue. AP Images. A growing ...
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What's property tax policy for Houston? Nearby Cities. Bucyrus · Cabool · Elk Creek · Hartshorn · Houston · Huggins · Licking · Plato · Raymondville · Summersville. Neighborhood ...
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Courts settle option-to-buy tax question Courts settle option-to-buy tax question. A business exercising an option to buy property that it was already leasing may deduct a portion of the amount ...
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Why the “bedroom tax” must be abolished, not tinkered with The most pernicious effect of the tax, or subsidy, or penalty (or whatever you want to call it) is that it removes income from vulnerable people who are ...
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Hobby Lobby and the Tax Definition of Closely Held Corporation 49), without defining closely held corporations, has led some commentators to look to tax law. See here, here, and here. Leaving aside the opinion's ...
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Property Tax Too High In Chester, VT - How's It Going In Brattleboro? My property tax bill for my home in Chester, VT 05143 was 10% higher than last year, and I ... Are your property taxes up 10% like mine in Chester?
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BREAKING: In a move welcomed by polar bear-haters everywhere, the Carbon Tax has been ... The Carbon Tax repeal bill has been passed with 39 ayes to 32 noes. This means that Australia no longer has a Carbon Tax, or sound environmental ...
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House passes Internet access tax ban amid battle over states' rights The House on Tuesday passed the ban via voice vote, placing pressure on the Senate to pass its version of the Permanent Internet Tax Freedom Act ...
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Climate Criminals of the World – Rejoice: Carbon Tax Repealed! The repeal of the carbon tax should not be seen as bad politics stymying good policy. No doubt that is what carbon tax supporters will argue, but like ...
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Seriously ill woman confronted Clegg on Bedroom Tax 10 MONTHS AGO Clegg finally calls for reform of hated Bedroom Tax; But victim with illness confronted him nearly year ago; Used small 'spare' bedroom to store oxygen ...
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Democrat Congressman: Tax Drivers for Every Mile They Drive The DemocRats push these fuel efficient vehicles and now the sheeple are driving them and gas tax revenue is down. So now they propose taxing us ...
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TAX WHAT YOU DON'T WANT TAX WHAT YOU DON'T WANT: Gary Johnson: Abolish the IRS! (Rob Nikolewski, 7/15/2014, Human Events). Johnson's call to abolish the agency ...
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RIP Australia's Carbon Tax Just as the EPA is trying to force us into a de facto carbon tax, Australia comes to its senses and repeals former-PM Gillard's monstrosity. Well done ...
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Major savings from carbon tax repeal - Truss Abolition of the carbon tax will save local governments millions of dollars every year, according to Infrastructure and Regional Development Minister, ...
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Australia repeals controversial carbon tax Prime Minister Tony Abbott reintroduced legislation to the Australian Parliament would repeal a carbon tax that the nation's worst greenhouse gas ...
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Only Trust An Experienced Attorney To Provide Relief For Tax Debt Problems In either case, you're not alone. Millions of Americans are plagued by back tax debts. Millions of small business owners struggle with problems caused ...
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Is The Loss Of Tax Base Enough To Stop Acquisition? In a Lexington, Nebraska, Clipper-Herald newspaper article, a writer raised the issue of whether the loss on the property tax rolls is enough to stop the ...
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Take Action: End Tax Payer Spending on Wildlife Killing Take Action: End Tax Payer Spending on Wildlife Killing (caution: graphic content). By Amber Jamieson Wednesday, July 16th, 2014.
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'Bedroom Tax': Lib Dems Withdraw Support The Liberal Democrats have set up a showdown with their Conservative coalition partners by withdrawing support for the so-called “bedroom tax”.
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House Votes To Extend Moratorium On Internet Taxes “This legislation prevents a surprise tax hike on Americans' critical services this fall,” said Rep. Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., chairman of the House Judiciary ...
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Liberal Democratss commit to bedroom tax reform Liberal Democratss commit to bedroom tax reform. Danny Alexander writes: “As a Liberal Democrat I want everyone to have the opportunity to have a ...
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IMF to US: Increase Taxes and Badly Hurt Your Economy A VAT and a carbon tax, on top of all the other taxes we already pay, could raise taxes by trillions each year. The other tax increases would take ...
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WEB | ||||||||
SALES TAX EXEMPTION Point of Purchase Tax Exemption to qualified productions on sales taxes paid for property or services to be used in productions. There is no minimum ...
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Justice Department Sues to Shut Down Texas Tax Return Preparers The United States has asked a federal court in Waco, Texas, to permanently bar several tax preparers individually and through the business ...
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report WASHINGTON (AP) -- The GOP-controlled House has voted to slash the budget for the Internal Revenue Service's tax enforcement division by $1.2 ...
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Justice Department Sues to Stop Chicago Man from Promoting Alleged Tax Scheme and Preparing ... The complaint alleges that Crown's tax schemes and the tax returns and other tax documents he prepares are based, at least in part, on his customers' ...
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Higher Education Tax Credits are a Windfall for Universities The Tax Foundation has released a new report that looks at the effects that tax credits for higher education have had on the rising costs of college ...
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Is the Tax Code the Proper Tool for Making Higher Education More Affordable? Key Findings Education tax credits have grown from a $4.5 billion program claimed by 4.7 million taxpayers in 1998 to a $17.4 billion program claimed ...
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Tech at Night: Democrats want a middle-class Internet tax hike Why we can't just ratify the Streamlined Sales Tax interstate compact, letting states opt into the Internet sales tax plan if they want, I'll never get.
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When Did Your State Adopt Its Gas Tax? This week's map shows when each state adopted its gasoline excise tax. States began to adopt motor fuels taxes in 1919 (Oregon was first in ...
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Jack Lew's Misinformation on the US Corporate Tax System In a recent letter to Congress's tax writing committees, Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew wrote that Congress should act to prevent U.S. corporations from ...
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Tax Estimator Property Tax Estimator. This Property tax estimator is provided as a convenience to taxpayers and potential tax payers within the county. For questions ...
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Tax harmonization in Europe: Moving forward The debate on tax competition opposes those who praise its positive effect on government efficiency, and those who accuse it of distorting p...
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Australia repeals controversial carbon tax The carbon tax, charged to about 350 of Australia's biggest carbon polluters, was controversial from the start. Former Prime Minister Julia Gillard had ...
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Aussie Lawmakers Vote To Repeal Carbon Tax Prime Minister Tony Abbott's conservative government declared victory Thursday after Australia's Senate voted to repeal the country's two-year-old tax ...
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State Funds & Tax Programs Incentives, funding and tax breaks for Florida bioscience companies.
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Help Eliminate the Telecommuting Tax Penalty The Multi-State Worker Tax Fairness Act has been introduced in the U.S. Senate. Telecommuters and their employers must unite to help get it passed!
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Democratic superdonor Tom Steyer's use of tax shelters draws Romney comparisons Tom Steyer, the billionaire environmental activist who is spending $100 million to help elect Democrats this fall, is rallying support for energy taxes that ...
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Shaheen, Cruz, Ayotte Rally Bipartisan Opposition to Internet Sales Tax Legislation "For years, the Internet Tax Freedom Act has kept the Internet free of new taxes and has helped the Internet flourish into the driver of economic growth ...
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Tax Agent Portal error message - RNN The best way to let us know an income tax return is not necessary (RNN) for a client (excluding a superannuation fund) is to use the Tax Agent Portal ...
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Obama pushes to stop corporate overseas tax moves Inversions enable U.S.-based, multinational companies to lower their tax bills in ... The election year push to make corporate tax changes is unlikely to ...
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Let Freedom Ring: Australian Scuttles Absurd Carbon Tax THE Carbon tax is dead. After almost 60 hours of debate, the Senate finally passed Tony Abbott's repeal bills this morning. A small applause rang ...
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Tullow To Challenge Ugandan Court Order To Pay $407M Tax Bill KAMPALA, July 16 (Reuters) - British explorer Tullow Oil said on Wednesday it planned to challenge a Ugandan tax tribunal decision ordering it to pay ...
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Surf's up, dude — bipartisan tax-free-Internet legislation passes the House The U.S. House of Representatives Tuesday passed a bipartisan bill amending the Internet Tax Freedom Act to permanently extend a federal, state ...
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Details of liquor tax settlement nailed down for Chattanooga, Hamilton County Schools An offer that Mayor Andy Berke's office scoffed at months ago now mirrors a proposed settlement giving Hamilton County Schools nearly everything it ...
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White House seeks to shut down corporate tax inversions FBN's Liz MacDonald on Treasury Secretary Jack Lew wanting to shut down corporate tax inversions.
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Arkansas Tourism Tax Collections Up 6.5% Collections of Arkansas' 2% tourism tax during the first four months of 2014 totaled $3.96 million, up 6.5% compared to the $3.716 million during the ...
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CBO makes clear what Obamacrats don't: Tax hikes won't come close to solving US debt problem The above chart shows the 2013 and 2014 long-term CBO estimates under the extended baseline scenario (current spending and tax provisions ...
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How Your Tax Dollars Fund Climate Change Denial The increase is a result of oil and gas booms that are rewarded with tax breaks and other incentives. They are essentially rewarded for accelerating ...
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Proposed Business Flat Tax Promising for New Hampshire The New Hampshire Center for Economic Policy recently unveiled a proposal to consolidate multiple state business taxes into a single Business Flat ...
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Tax Center Accurately prepare and electronically file Federal and State tax returns for Active Duty service members, qualifying dependents, and military retirees.
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DC: 2015 Budget Would Bring Sales Tax Changes According to the City Council, their veto override provides significant tax savings to DC businesses. It also significantly extends the sales tax.
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Comment of the Day: What's worse, tax hikes or forced child labor? Well, they do say backing tax increases is political poison for Republicans. Maybe it's even more poisonous than supporting forced child labor?
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Carbon tax to go? Thank you for your The bill to repeal the carbon tax returned to the Senate last night for the third time this week. With their proposed amendments in ...
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Bucks County Towns Made Over $79 Million With EIT Tax; Residents Push, Falls Says An EIT is a tax levied as a percent of earned income, according to the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development.
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Tax Services Take a look at our Tax Services page. US Tax Centers Northwest is a full service tax, accounting and business consulting firm located in Vancouver, ...
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Gamage: Analyzing the Optimal Choice of Tax Instruments This Article expands on these prior analyses by incorporating a variety of tax-gaming responses and also administrative and compliance costs.
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Transient Occupancy Tax measure to be decided by voters San Benito County voters in November will decide whether to approve a transient occupancy tax increase to 12 percent from the current 8 percent to ...
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