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NEWS | ||||||||
Donate your infants umbilical cord blood and save a life Nehal Patel, 33, and her husband Rohit, 34, decided to donate their son Shaan's umbilical cord blood to a public cord bank after learning of the ...
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Donate supplies to help local students Donate money to purchase needed supplies. Mail donations to Waukee Area Christian Services, Attn: School Supplies, 1155 S.E. Boone Drive, ...
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Emporians donate blood, save lives After about 17 blood drives, Brady Johnson has donated enough blood to fill seven gallons. He came back to donate once again Monday afternoon.
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Eagles donate $2600 to Love INC Fraternal Order of Eagles Chapter 3607 recently donated $2,600 to Love In the Name of Christ of the Greater Livingston Area. / SUBMITTED PHOTO.
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Mets will donate portion of Friday's ticket sales to save New York State Pavilion The Mets will donate a portion of Friday's home game ticket sales toward advocacy group People for the Pavilion's efforts to preserve the rusting relic.
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Donate Heels for HEALS now through August Thanks to the generous donations of people in the community, HEALS gives each child a new pair of athletic shoes when they come for their annual ...
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Thunderbirds Donate $25000 to SpoFit “For children with spina bifida, a spinal cord injury or other disabilities, this incredibly generous donation opens up tremendous opportunities to ...
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Donate school supplies this Friday at Cox Radio Group But we need your help now to donate supplies to help students and teachers who will attend the Back to School Expo on Saturday, August 9th at the ...
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Sponsors donate golf rounds to Iowa veterans Corporate sponsors and the city of Cedar Rapids have donated 675 rounds of golf for active duty and honorably discharged veterans in Linn County.
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Key-Systems To Donate 30 Euro For 1st 1000 .Hiv Domain Registrations Key-Systems GmbH announced today that it will support the dotHIV initiative with a fundraising for the start of .hiv. The domain registrar will donate 30 ...
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Best Auto to donate proceeds to the United Way of Monroe Co. During July and August, Best Auto will donate $10 to the United Way each time a customer has a combined oil change and tire rotation service.
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Sioux City Schools Donate Desks To Wisner-Pilger Wisner, NE (ABC9 News) The Sioux City Community School District donated desks and other furniture to the Wisner-Pilger School District on Monday.
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Kiambu to Donate Old Cars to Colleges Kenya: Kiambu to Donate Old Cars to Colleges. tweet. share. Google+. email. more. Kiambu government will donate unused vehicles to technical ...
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Hay growers donate to Carlton Complex fire relief One of the less-told stories about the massive Carlton Complex Fire in Okanogan County — the one that has burned down 300 homes and scorched ...
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FPCCI directs all chambers to donate to IDPs Monday, July 28, 2014 - Lahore—The Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce and Industry, an apex body of chambers has directed all ...
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Marriott employees and guests donate school supplies Tucson - Employees of Marriott Hotels will be unloading donated backpacks and school supplies they've been collecting. A spokesperson for ...
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Roll up your sleeves to donate blood Billy the Blood Drop is coming to Bega along with the Red Cross mobile blood donor van from August 4 to 8. The van will be parked in Littleton ...
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Sierra Style showcase to donate all proceeds to Wounded Warrior Project For more information about the Wounded Warrior Project or to make a donation, visit www.woundedwarriorproject.org and “Like” their Facebook page.
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Las Cruces first responders compete for blood drive donations LAS CRUCES >> First responders will participate in some friendly competition this weekend at the Las Cruces Battle of the Badges Blood Drive, Aug.
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San Diego Plumbers Donate Games to Local Organization's "Game Drive" Well-known San Diego plumbing company, Bill Howe Plumbing, Inc. has been involved in community outreach since the very beginning. The San ...
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Air Malta staff donate €930 to Hospice Malta Air Malta staff donated €930 to Hospice Malta's 'Growing Kit' campaign that encourages schoolchildren to grow sunflowers in public locations.
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Coquille Valley Elks donate to the Myrtle Point Senior Center The Coquille Valley Elks Lodge No. 1935 has donated a gratitude grant of $2,000 to the Myrtle Point Senior Center. The Elks National Foundation ...
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Jimmy John's Gourmet Sandwiches To Donate $1 Million To Folds Of Honor Foundation Jimmy John's will make a donation of $1 million to benefit families of America's fallen and disabled military service men and women on September 13, ...
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Donate Life Texas marks National Minority Donor awareness week This makes the need critical for more donations from people in those same communities,” said Kevin Myer of Donate Life Texas. “Registering your ...
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Readers' compassion, donations overwhelming to aid Mishawaka family Drive & Shine will donate half its car wash sales Saturday at its Mishawaka location, 5406 N. Main St., to Tyler Allman's family. Chick-fil-A will set up a ...
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Bakers Donate Money For Silvermont Trails In Son's Name - Brevard NC Gene and Sally Baker have pledged $45,000 for new handicap accessible trails at the Silvermont grounds in Brevard in memory of their son, Jonathan ...
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Mission Monday Donation deskrevised It's Mission Monday and at the Houston SPCA, we love surprises! We would like to give a huge thank you to realtor, Bruce Nicholson, ...
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Volunteers hope to change FDA rules on blood donations Volunteers at a Bozeman area blood drive say a Food and Drug Administration ban on donations by gay and bisexual men is discriminatory.
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Boyne City Baseball enthusiast donating lifelong collection Boyne City resident and former minor league ballplayer Leon Vercruysse has been collecting an assortment of baseball memorabilia for 25 years, ...
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Jaycees donate Triathlon proceeds to Shayla Bee The Spencer Jaycees have been hosting a Triathlon including golf, darts and a bean bag toss with the proceeds going to the Shayla Bee Fund since ...
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Don Bosco Alumni donate Aqua Pure Water Project to students The occasion that paved way for the project was the meeting of the 1969 batch of the school. It was a great achievement for the batch to meet after ...
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Air Malta staff donate €930 to Malta Hospices's Sunflower Campaign Air Malta staff donate €930 to Malta Hospices's Sunflower Campaign Air Malta employees raised €930 for Malta Hospice's Sunflower 'Growing Kit' ...
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The Friends of Scarsdale Public Library Annual Book Sale Donation Drive Are you looking to find a new home for your unwanted books? It's time to donate lightly used books for The Friends of the Scarsdale Library annual ...
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Mycotoxin testing supplies donated by Austrian company Romer Labs, Austrian supplier of food safety diagnostics solutions, will donate mycotoxins testing supplies for a project to reduce post- harvest loss ...
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United Way changing policy on donations Those making designated donations through the United Way of Lethbridge and Southwestern Alberta will now see their contributions going 10 per ...
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WVU alumni, friends donate more than $85 million in FY14 The West Virginia University Foundation says alumni and friends of the University gave $85.7 million in cash and in-kind gifts between July 1, 2013, ...
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Ninety Nine to celebrate reopening with donation to foundation As part of the celebration, the Ninety Nine will host a ribbon cutting ceremony, donate $1,000 to the Wilmington Educational Foundation as well as ...
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100-plus donors honored at community blood drive What prompted him to give again (and again and again) was that a friend's son had leukemia and the friend asked Roy to donate, McAnarney said.
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Boy honored on social media for donating his organs CHINA (KOKH) -- A photo is going viral after a young boy in China begged his family to let him donate his organs before brain cancer took his life.
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Alphington Community Centre keeps food help program for asylum seekers on the road Donating food (for these people) is an easy thing to do. “There shouldn't ... “I think people (who donate) can see the connection — we all have to eat.”.
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Positive Plates: Heath's Dinnerware Exchange Positive Plates: Heath's Dinnerware Exchange. Donate a dish, receive a discount on the same, and help the Skid Row Housing Trust. By Alysia Gray ...
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School Supplies Donation Drive is Tomorrow If you would like to help a child get ready for the rapidly approaching school year by donating some school supplies Blue Valley Community Action ...
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Fisher House for vets needs donations The Foundation plans to donate $3 million to match local fundraising and would like to start construction in March on a facility with at least 12 private ...
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Ochoco Complex update: Still nearly 500 on lines Your local fire departments would probably appreciate donations and put them to good use. Other agencies which would welcome and benefit from ...
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Data Donation: A Philanthropic Trend that Could Grow Your Business Stempeck draws the idea from the International Charter on Space and Major Disasters, a 1999 act that required satellite companies to provide imagery ...
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HOA tells veteran he can't build furniture to donate to military families Vet A Vietnam War veteran is being forced to shut down his California furniture shop benefiting needy military families, according to local TV station ...
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Summer food for kids at PROP Your donation to the Summer Food for Kids Program helps purchase perishable healthy foods like deli turkey, cheese sticks and yogurt. To contribute ...
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BLOGS | ||||||||
3 Way to Get Involved: Donate to support Cancer Votes and ACS CAN We use your donation to support the work of ACS CAN and Cancer Votes, including: Print and distribute voter guides; Conduct town hall meetings to ...
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SIMPLY WONDERFUL: Holocaust survivors donate 100000 shekels to the IDF SIMPLY WONDERFUL: Holocaust survivors donate 100,000 shekels to the IDF. Posted on 7/29/2014 by Eliyokim Cohen. Tweet. Email This Page.
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WEB | ||||||||
Donate 100% of your donation to Shark Angels goes towards delivering positive message advocacy, like Fin Free, and educational programs to kids that can ...
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Body Donor Program May I donate my organs and still donate my body to Emory? Will I be paid for leaving my body to Emory? How are bodies used for education and ...
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Donate Thank you for your generous support! Choose a giving level or enter a donation amount below: $25. Bronze. Giving Level 1. $50. Silver. Giving Level ...
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Home - Islamic Relief Canada Note: Islamic Relief is committed to managing the resources entrusted to us in a transparent and responsible manner. This includes ensuring specified ...
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Donate Charitable donations money to a good cause. Relief.org helps others that are suffering from natural disasters and humanitarian crisis situations.
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Ladies of Power Calendar Donate $100 or more and you get your name/business/organization ... Donate $250 or more and you earn the title of Honorary Lady of Power -If you ...
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Donate Now Support. Donate Now. We appreciate your gracious support of our school! Please contact the Development Office with any questions. Donate Now.
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Other Ways to Donate FEATURED HORSE. WiseGuysm. Meet Mr. Wise Guy. This Arabian gelding is a national champion! 10500458 10152158825877256 ...
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Donate Donate to Calvin Verduga Memorial Fund. It´s easy & secure. YouCaring.com makes it really easy to support your favorite cause or a loved one in ...
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Donate DONATE. Donating to our organization, no matter how small or large, creates changes within the people we serve. Your contribution will fund the ...
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Walk, shop and donate for Relay for Life Walk, shop and donate for Relay for Life. Sunday, July 27th, 2014 | Posted by dhart | no responses. Luminarias dedicated to loved ones touched or ...
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Donate By July 31, 2014 and Help Patients like Carmen! Thanks to our generous Board of Directors, gifts up to $5000 made by July 31, 2014 will be DOUBLED! Here is the story of one of our patients, Carmen ...
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Enjoy Arts Du Jour and Donate to the Library at the Same Time! The Library is offering a limited number of tickets to Arts Du Jour, the annual charity preview for Arts, Beats, and Eats. Arts Du Jour is Thursday, A...
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Donate Donate. Dear Potential Sponsor: More than 38,364 suicides occur annually on a nationwide basis. One-third of suicide victims are returning Veterans.
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Donate Donate. If you would like to help support the ministries of First Baptist Church please click on the donate button. Thank you. SchoolWorld an Edline ...
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Donate Make a donation to our work so that more families have access to support.
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Donate - Thank You Donate - Thank You. Thank you very much for your generous donation. Denver Curling appreciates every cent that helps build and maintain the ...
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WVU alumni, friends donate more than $85 million in FY14 WVU alumni, friends donate more than $85 million in FY14. July 28th, 2014. Print Friendly and PDF Print. The West Virginia University Foundation ...
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Pledges/Donate TC Media personality Leo Parente and WC Vision/Pirelli World Challenge's Dan Goodman will be sharing driving duties in TCB Rounds 8 and 9 at the ...
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Donate If you are connected to an organization, please type the name as it should be listed in the member directory. *e-Mail. Invalid email. The default privacy ...
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Donate for 2015 *All payments are final, no refunds allowed. Transfer of membership from one person to another might be available in the future. Britishfest.com and ...
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Can I take an early IRA distribution & donate it to my church without tax penalties I have an IRA that is worth about $4k that I want to close out and donate to my church. Is it possible to do so without a tax penalty? The IRA is with ...
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Donate You can be a SUPER STAR by contributing to our 2014 Giving Campaign. Your donation will help fund teacher grants and special projects supporting ...
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Sponsor / Invest / Donate Sponsor / Invest/ Donate. Professional Service Firms: Invest in WCEDC. Your support of the work of the Waukesha County Economic Development ...
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Donate Donate. If you want to donate, please do it on Global Water Institute's account below. The team thanks you. Wire transfer to GWI account from Belgium:.
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'Donate To The Artist' button How about a function where you have a "DONATE TO THE ARTIST" button for each artist? So if you like what you hear you can donate a couple...
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It's time to step up and donate. Help us reach our goal. Donate Why donate now? A generous donor has issued a $250,000 matching challenge for gifts to the Greyhound Club over the next year. See below for ...
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Rotary Club of St Maarten Mid Isle donate books PHILIPSBURG, St. Maarten - In recognition of Rotary's Literacy Month of July, The Rotary Club of St Maarten Mid Isle donated Composition books to ...
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PDQ and Dover Foundation Donate $10000 to Make-A-Wish® Foundation This is the third consecutive year that PDQ and the Dover Foundation have made a donation to Make-A-Wish of Wisconsin, which grants the wishes of ...
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Donate One-hundred percent of your donation stays local. To donate merchandise to the ReStore resale store, click here. To donate a vehicle, click here.
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Pay or Donate Home · Registration · Information · Staff & Stuff · Documents · Pictures · Pay or Donate. You can Pay or Donate in several ways. Adventist School Pay ...
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Donate WE NEED YOU! Help develop the Word Dance Fusion community! donate-button. Please consider making a charitable gift to support World Dance ...
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1600 Worth of School Supplies$200 Donate $200 to provide $1600 worth of school supplies. Give kids books and tools to learn. Thanks to corporate product donations, your gift will ...
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Donate You can donate via the link below, by calling or sending a check or money order to. A Vision of Redemption, Inc. 4280 Peters Road. Plantation, Florida ...
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Donate Books Donate Books Do you have children's books that you are no longer using that would be appropriate for a Christian school library? Please bring them ...
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Donate Now Donate Now. Coming soon! First Name*. Last Name*. Address*. City*. Province. Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland ...
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I Don't Want You to Donate I Don't Want You to Donate. I've never made a dime off my blogs. Any of 'em. I'm a real bad businessperson, and I don't know how to monetize my ...
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Donate Support GHNI's work with the displaced familes in Iraq! Renewed fighting in Iraq has displaced over 500,000 people. The United Nations reported, ...
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Hokkien Association youth donate blood THE spirit of giving was marked with a blood donation drive recently as the youth committee of the Hokkien Association organised a blood donation at ...
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You have chosen to donate to Lauren Marshall's cause. You have chosen to donate to Lauren Marshall's cause. Lauren Marshall is supporting the social project: 500 Need Water Uganda. Please choose ...
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Donate Donate to help us make more movies. Also, make a payment here. donate. We are very thankful for your generosity. We could not do this without you.
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Donate By donating to FoodShare you will help us support charities so that their resources can be spent in other ways. There are a number of ways to donate ...
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Supporter Donations Assistant The post holder works within the Supporter Donations Team and liaises across all teams in CAFOD, all individuals within the section and external ...
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Coldplay donate £10000 for sick fan Coldplay have donated £10,000 in recognition of a fan who has motor neurone disease. Jody Duff is fundraising for the Motor Neurone Disease ...
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Help Lilla graduate from college I am a graphic designer student, and need help to pay for my final year in college.
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13 I will join the donate ICO let's hope all the freebie peeps don't go and dump it cheap..Also do you give any little free bounties to promoters? I want to do ...
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