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Chicago finds new tax stream: Netflix, Spotify, online gambling Chicago has expanded its taxing power to extend to streaming services. The city's residents will now pay an extra 9% tax to use services such as ...
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Kansas Court of Appeals says Mission's "driveway tax" is illegal First passed in 2010, the tax generates between $700,000 and $800,000 a year. For a city of Mission's size, it's not an insignificant amount. Mission's ...
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Oregon launches program to tax drivers by the mile This long-time hybrid car owner from Oregon wants to pay higher taxes for roads and bridges and says the current 30 cents per gallon state gas tax ...
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Tesla, BMW Culled From Washington State Electric Car Sales Tax Break Nissan Leafs like this one would enjoy sales-tax-free status through 2019 in Washington state. No such luck for Tesla and BMW electric cars going ...
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Cavs headed for massive luxury-tax bill Cavs headed for massive luxury-tax bill. Tom Penn breaks down how much the Cavs will have to spend to keep their roster intact.
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Religion | The New York Times' Mark Oppenheimer says it's time for churches to pay their 'fair' share New York Times columnist Mark Oppenheimer proposes a radical solution: End the IRS tax exemption for nonprofit organizations altogether. In a Time ...
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Manco and Manco pizza owners plead guilty to tax evasion The husband-and-wife owners of the Ocean City landmark restaurant Manco & Manco Pizza pleaded guilty Thursday morning to tax evasion and lying ...
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Osborne plans non-dom tax crackdown George Osborne is planning another crackdown on wealthy UK "non-doms" in next week's Budget, as part of a £5bn plan to cut tax evasion and ...
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Michigan Senate considers $1.5B road plan with gas tax hike The legislation, which also is tied to annual income tax cuts if general revenues rise by more than inflation, was the subject of hours of closed-door ...
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'Cloud tax' upsets Chicago tech community: 'Life just got 9 percent harder' Chicago's new 9 percent tax on streaming and cloud services appears to have the local technology community agitated and, more than anything, ...
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Jeffrey Webber's Cayman Insurance Shelter Nixed By Tax Court So here is a truly brilliant, if slightly ghoulish tax plan. Jeffrey Webber is a venture-capital investor and private-equity fund manager. His advisor ...
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Transit referendum: Voters say No to new Metro Vancouver tax, transit improvements Voters were asked whether they were for or against a new 0.5 per cent sales tax to help fund major infrastructure projects, a plan that would have put ...
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Mailman charged with stealing $1M in IRS refunds Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stayed a New York City mail carrier from allegedly running a scam that used phony tax returns to ...
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How BP's $18.7 Billion Gulf Spill Fine Could Be One Giant Tax Deduction According to tax code, when a company pays a fine, the company is free to write it off their corporate income taxes, unless the fine is expressly for ...
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Top earners set to lose £13500 in tax relief in George Osborne's budget High earners could lose as much as £13,500 in tax relief in the budget as signs suggest the chancellor is planning a raid on the pension pots of those ...
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Budget and tax: Puerto Rico made its debt payments; Illinois is operating without a budget Economists have speculated that everything from tax policy to poor management are to blame for Puerto Rico's fiscal woes but the Wall Street Journal ...
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Mailman arrested for stealing $1M in tax refunds A man has been arrested for trying to obtain over $1 million in tax refund checks from his U.S. Postal Service delivery route (USPS), the Manhattan ...
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New Ga. gas tax affects schools ATLANTA -- Not only are you paying more at the gas tank now because of the new state gas tax, but it's squeezing your wallet in another way: through ...
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UAE Finance Ministry makes progress with federal tax code plans As Arabian Gulf countries start to feel the pinch from lower oil prices, the UAE Finance Ministry says it is making progress towards a draft federal tax ...
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Republicans near votes on road, tax plans MADISON — Republicans hope to kick-start the stalled state budget by voting Thursday on plans that cut $450 million for road projects and reduce ... Wisconsin budget committee approves road funding plan, considers tax cuts to wrap up work - Minneapolis Star Tribune
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Washington Budget Targets Microsoft's Corporate Tax Tab The tax change was referred to only obscurely in the budget-deal summary that lawmakers released, which referred to repeal of a "software machinery ...
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Tax dispute involving The Bluffs golf course leads to investigation of Louisiana Tax Commission The tax dispute has been simmering since the 2012 valuation, with the Assessor's Office basing its appraisals of the Arnold Palmer-designed golf ...
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Hotel tax deal stuns business community A deal forged in the waning hours of the 2015 legislative session, which blind-sided the local business community, will let 14 Westchester ...
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ATO apologises for slow running web tax filing service MARK COLVIN: The Australian Tax Office has apologised to Australians keen to get their tax returns in early this year who can't because the website is ...
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Jeb Bush Tax Returns Recall Old Days of Shelters Jeb Bush's tax returns take us back to the time when it was a point of pride for high-income earners to buy a piece of a Panamanian gold mine, ...
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Cavaliers on verge of shattering NBA's luxury tax record How will it affect the team's tax bill in this season and beyond? I've built a nifty little GIF on Twitter that helps to explain the tax consequences for this ...
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Daniel X. O'Neil Chicago has a new plan to make up for lost amusement tax revenue: by bringing Spotify, Netflix, and other streaming services under the city's ...
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Mission's 'driveway tax' is ruled illegal by Kansas appeals court The court ruled that the fee imposed on developed property in the city is an illegal excise tax under state law. The city had argued the revenue source ...
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Walker Delays Payment On Oil Tax Credits Gov. Bill Walker discusses a tax credit veto with the press, July 1, 2015. ... Bill Walker is delaying payment of $200 million worth of oil tax credits.
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Hoover to consider raising city lodging tax from 3 to 6 percent The Hoover City Council soon will consider a proposal to raise the city's lodging tax rate from 3 percent to 6 percent to help fund capital projects.
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'Corporate tax deals are robbing poor countries of teachers and nurses' In theory, by allowing large companies to mine these resources and then tax those operations, our government could raise millions of dollars of ...
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Tax-hike freezes available for eligible seniors MURFREESBORO – The county's recent 7.8 percent property tax increase for schools could be the last hike for senior-tax-freeze applicants who ...
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Senate, House bills seek tax write-offs for NASCAR tracks A bipartisan effort is underway in the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives that would give the operators of 29 tracks that host NASCAR events a ...
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Google maps system used to track property tax on homes A Google maps system is being used to track Local Property Tax (LPT) payments across the State, the Dáil Public Accounts Committee (PAC) has ...
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County puts new tax proposal on shelf County council members proposed the new property tax in their June 23 meeting. The tax was believed to have been the first new local property tax ...
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Will Churches Lose Tax-Exempt Status in the Wake of the Supreme Court's Gay Marriage Ruling? But he doesn't stop there, writing that the Supreme Court's ruling that gay marriage is a "fundamental right" means, in his view, that tax-exempt groups ...
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State defends tax shift to Pima County Pima County could impose a limited excise (sales) tax to generate any revenues required, he said. Alternately, Lopez said, the county could take ...
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Man struggles to get tax refund after his wife dies He went straight to tax preparation company H&R Block — twice. He filled out the paperwork to have his wife's check reissued in his name. But his ...
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Springfield City Council wants earlier notice on negotiated tax incentive agreements Council President Michael Fenton, as authorized by the City Council, asked the Sarno administration in future cases to "alert the City Council of tax ...
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MP concerned families 'in the firing line' with tax credits cut Jarrow MP Stephen Hepburn has voiced his concern after new figures showed cuts to tax credits could hit more than half of families in his constituency ...
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Joint Finance passes Republican tax proposal Republicans on the Legislature's Joint Finance Committee approved a tax package they touted as simple and fair, meeting on Thursday for the first ...
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Now there's an app that'll do your tax return in 10 minutes Tax returns can be a boring, administrative nightmare. They either require a trip to the accountant's office or a horror session trying to navigate the ...
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Road tax, red lights and lycra: the cycling ignorance quiz Road tax, red lights and lycra: the cycling ignorance quiz. Does the word 'cyclist' sends you into a furious rage? You're in luck! This quiz will make you ...
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Tax return threshold now R350 000 Yesterday marked the official launch of the 2015 tax season with the welcome news the threshold for submitting tax returns has increased to R350 000 ...
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Landing looks for tax district to promote turnaround The Landing needs to join the downtown CID to supplement declining revenue from its existing improvement district funded by a 1-cent sales tax and ...
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Push for 2015 Massachusetts sales tax holiday will ramp up in July BOSTON — Massachusetts retailers plan to renew their annual push for a sales tax holiday after the July 4 weekend. The Retailers Association of ...
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HomeDid Jewish Groups Push Too Hard on NY Education Tax Credit? One member of the assembly, upstate Democrat Anthony Brindisi, told the Forward that he turned strongly against the tax credit bill only after ...
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WEB | ||||||||
2014 Arizona Tax Tables X and Y For Form 140NR Arizona Tax Tables X and Y. For Form 140NR. Table X - Use Table X if your filing status is Single or Married Filing Separate. (a). If taxable income.
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Chicago Will Now Tax Netflix, Spotify The City of Chicago is implementing a 9% tax on online entertainment like Netflix and Spotify, as well as on businesses who use everything from real ...
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TIL: If someone reports their company for tax evasion in the US, he or she will receive 15% to 30 ... TIL: If someone reports their company for tax evasion in the U.S., he or she will receive 15% to 30% of the amount collected. (en.wikipedia.org).
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Tennessee IFTA Tax Return Form 56 TENNESSEE IFTA TAX RETURN. FORM 56. Round Amounts In Columns B Through F To Nearest Whole Gallon And Mile. Name as shown on Form ...
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Vancouver residents reject… Metro Vancouver residents have rejected a tax increase to pay for expanded transit service, according to plebiscite results from Elections BC.
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Chicago Rages Against The Future With 9% Tax On Netflix, Spotify And Other Streaming Services A ruling by Chicago's Department of Finance allows the city to add an extra nine percent tax onto "electronically delivered amusements" and ...
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Tax Saver Moving to Leap Card Yes, your ticket has simply been loaded onto a Leap Card, so your tax benefits are unchanged. We encourage employers to continue loading digital ...
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Mailman charged with trying to steal $1 million in tax refunds A man has been arrested for trying to obtain over $1 million in tax refund checks from his mail delivery route, officials announced on Thursday.
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Chicago's Netflix Tax: Targeting the Cord Cutters? Chris Cleveland here, Chairman of the Chicago Republican Party. This tax is an job-killing, counter-productive, astoundingly bad move.
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Luas Tax Saver Tickets Do you know that you can avail of Tax Saver monthly and annual tickets through your employer? You can save up to 47% of your transport costs.
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About That Chicken Tax on Pickup Trucks The power to tax is the power to destroy" — John Marshall There may be no subject more contentious in the United States than taxation. Every citizen ...
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NYC Mailman Accused Of Stealing More Than $1M In Tax Refunds In Years-Long Scheme According to investigators, the mail carrier and his accomplices would file false tax returns using Social Security numbers for Puerto Rico residents ...
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14% Advance Tax Imposed on Internet Across Pakistan Another day and we have a news about another tax. Reports suggest that Government of Pakistan has imposed 14% tax on internet across Pakistan.
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Mail Carrier arrested for theft of over $1 Million In Tax Refund Checks Mail Carrier arrested For Theft Of Over $1 Million In Tax Refund Checks The defendant, a USPS mail carrier, was arrested this morning and is ...
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Determining your tax rates Washington's unemployment-insurance program is an experience-based system. In general, your tax rate depends on how much your former workers ...
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Hold the Presses: Alaska Gas Tax Increases Today Alaska's 11.30 cents per-gallon gas tax, lowest in the United States, increases today for the first time in 45 years. As of July 1, the tax increases to ...
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Washington Reforms Law to 37 Percent Flat Tax on Pot Washington overhauled its recreational marijuana industry's tax structure on Tuesday in a move that boils down to one thing: the federal government ...
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Labor: Abbott's GP Tax By Stealth Starts From Today Millions of patients are set to be hit with a GP Tax even bigger than the original proposal from today under Tony Abbott's four year freeze on Medicare ...
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Chicago: "amusement tax" and "personal property tax" "The amusement tax applies to charges paid for the privilege to witness, view or participate in an amusement," states the city's new ruling (pdf).
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Indian businesses turn sceptical on Modi's landmark tax reform For years Indian businesses have lobbied for a nationwide sales tax, hoping to replace a chaotic structure that inflates costs and halts their trucks at ...
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Get to Know the Small Business Health Care Tax Credit IRS Health Care Tax Tip 2015-38, July 1, 2015. If you are a small employer, you might be eligible for the Small Business Health Care Tax Credit, ...
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School Sales Tax Holiday Tax Information Publication. Notice to Businesses with Multiple Locations. This publication is being mailed to the main office of your business.
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Late tax payment penalties If your tax payment is late, you will be charged interest at a rate of one percent of total taxes due per month. A late payment penalty fee is also charged ...
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Oregon launches program to tax drivers per mile Pay as you go: State kicks off new program that replaces gas tax with mileage tax.
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8% Minimum Tax on Companies to Kill ICT Companies, Startups Recently imposed 8% Minimum Tax on companies will have a detrimental and disastrous effect on not only IT industry but also to technology and ...
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KRA extends deadline for filing tax returns Njiraini further mentioned that though there are penalties for failing to file tax returns within a given deadline, a waiver would be effected for those who ...
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2015 Preliminary Tax Roll Reports Average and Median Homestead Residential Values PDF; Average and Median Residential Values PDF; Commission District Reports to the 2015 Tax ...
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Government imposes 8% minimum tax on service providers irrespective of profit or loss The Government has imposed 8% tax on the gross revenue earned by service providers in Pakistan. This applies to small scale, and large scale ...
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Full Retard Chicago Imposes "Cloud Tax" Citizens of Chicago need to prepare themselves for a "cloud tax" that went into effect on July 1. The nine-percent tax to cloud services like Netflix, ...
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Cuomo Approves Tax Bills For Yonkers The city of Yonkers was authorized on Thursday to increase its sales tax by one half of one percent and impose a new occupancy tax for hotel rooms ...
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NYS Tax Department Reminds New Yorkers that USA, NYS, POW and Military Flags Are Exempt ... "I encourage New Yorkers to take advantage of this tax exemption and proudly display our nation's flag as we celebrate Independence Day.".
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Free Chocolate (just pay tax) ****after Checkout51 rebate Checkout 51 has $1.00 rebate on the purchase of Cadbury Dairy Milk marvellous creations chocolate bars. Limit of 3. Just bought 3 from walmart at ...
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New Discussions on a Carbon Tax The Tax Policy Center (TPC) recently released a primer on carbon taxes. The report outlines how the construction of a carbon tax matters for its ...
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Property Tax Division EVANS OFFICE Open Mon - Fri 8:00am - 5:00pm. Phone: (706) 261-TAXX Fax: (706) 312-1357. divider. BLDG C MVD. Location: Columbia County ...
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