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Metro Girl Asking Friends To Donate Stuffed Animals For Birthday - News9.com - Oklahoma City ... Rather than receiving gifts this year she's asking her friends to donate stuffed animals that then will be given to sick kiddos at OU Medical Center.
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This Concert Offers Discounts for Blood | TIME The Untold Festival, which runs from July 30 to August 2, is offering a 30% discount to attendees who donate blood at one of Romania's blood centers ... Concert-goers offered free tickets for Transylvania music festival if they donate blood - Daily Courier - The Daily Courier (subscription)
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Daniel Island group, credit union, 'Southern Charm' benefit among latest to donate in wake of ... Donations continue to come in after the June 17 shooting at Emanuel AME Church in downtown Charleston. File/AP. ×. Donations to different funds ...
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Daniel Island group, credit union, 'Southern Charm' benefit among latest to donate in wake of ... Donations continue to come in after the June 17 shootings at Emanuel AME Church in downtown Charleston. File/AP. ×. Donations to different funds ...
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Warped Tour artists donate a day to Gettysburg - Evening Sun Hannah Hansen, center, of Los Angeles, Calif., and Vini Dalmas, of Sao Paulo, Brazil, plant trees with other volunteers on Monday in Gettysburg.
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BI-LO, Harveys, Winn-Dixie donate $3M to Wounded Warrior - Pensacola News Journal Through a combination of customer and vendor donations and all profits earned at BI-LO, Harveys and Winn-Dixie grocery stores on July 4th, ... EPR Retail News | BI-LO, Harveys and Winn-Dixie stores donate over $3m to support the Wounded ... - EPR Retail News (press release)
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The pros and cons of the website where strangers donate to pay for women's boob jobs in return ... Women can "receive the gift of bigger breasts" in return for sharing intimate photos and videos with strangers on a crowdfunding site dedicated to boob ... The pros and cons of the website where strangers donate to pay for women's boob jobs in return ... - BT.com
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Local Girl Scouts donate cookies to soldiers Local Girl Scouts donate cookies to soldiers. More than 11,000 boxes donated to the USO of Wisconsin. Published On: Jul 20 2015 08:50:48 PM CDT.
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Weymouth mayor plans to donate remainder of prohibited campaign contributions - News - The ... WEYMOUTH – Mayor Susan Kay has donated some of the money she received in prohibited campaign contributions from employees of a trash ...
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Morgan to donate money - Football - Eurosport British Sheffield United coach Chris Morgan will donate all proceeds from his testimonial match against Newcastle this weekend to three chosen charities, ...
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Local company donate new alarm after junior football club was targeted by thieves - Gazette Live But since the crime was reported by the Gazette, many locals have come forward to donate items for raffles, equipment and even money.
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Donate to Groups Who Are Helping Families of the Fallen Heros - WDEF News 12 CHATTANOOGA,TN (WDEF-TV) - Chattanoogans are beginning to come to terms with the loss of 5 service members in that terrorist attack last ...
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Academy award winning producer to donate Oscar to Yad Vashem Croatian film producer and Holocaust survivor Branko Lustig announces he will donate the Oscar he won as producer of Schindler's List to Yad ...
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Boston Public Market will donate leftover food to community partners, compost food scraps ... The Boston Public Market, set to open on July 30, has announced partnerships with local food rescue organizations and a composting company to ...
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Church youth harvest healthy vegetables to donate during their missions week Riley, far left, and Nora, middle, hold bags of freshly picked vegetables while Maddie, far right, transports a bale of hay. The youth helped harvest food ...
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Chad and Robin Pennington donate wagons | Living Videos | Kentucky.com Chad and Robin Pennington's 1st and 10 Foundation, along with The Lexington School, have donated gifts and two Brady Buggy Wagons to the ...
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Vineyard Couple to Donate 'Cuddle Cot' to Falmouth Hospital - Cape Cod Since learning of the device, the couple has raised enough money to donate two machines, to both Falmouth and Martha's Vineyard hospitals.
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For Good: Safety Harbor merchants offer loyalty card discounts , donate to local nonprofits The businesses of Safety Harbor have found an innovative way to give back to the community through a fundraising challenge. The Safety Harbor ...
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Bowhunters of Wyoming donate to Game and Fish Access Yes Program (Casper, Wyo.) – The Bowhunters of Wyoming (BOW) recently donated $1,185 to the Wyoming Game and Fish Department's Access Yes program.
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Family's decision to donate mum's organs helped save three lives - but 88 people die in Suffolk ... Kelly Blackburn has told how she and her family had to make the decision to donate her mum's organs for transplant when she died in 2013 aged 57.
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PHOTO: FFC Honours Osei Kwame & Ernest Ofori Sarpong...Donate To Disaster Relief Fund ... Two illustrious businessmen, Messrs Osei Kwame (Despite) and Ernest Ofori Sarpong, have been honoured for their "immense contribution towards ...
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PACs donate $500K to Bennet campaign WASHINGTON – While Colorado Republicans search for a challenger for Michael Bennet, the Democratic senator continues to pile up campaign cash ...
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Neighbor Newspapers - Kroger to donate Kroger's Atlanta division is showing support for metro Atlanta educators by giving away classroom supplies valued at more than $60,000 July 28 from ...
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Oil Companies donate to schools The Ghana Chamber of Bulk Oil Distributors together with Wisewater Foundation, have donated 1, 000 copies of reading books to the Nima Cluster of ...
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RC Mumbai to donate x-ray machine, school bus & toilet Rotary Club Mumbai comprising of doctors and teachers, who conducted medical camp and visited various schools in Peren districts recently has ...
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Renfrewshire's MPs pledge to donate 'unfair' payrise | Renfrew | News | The Gazette Renfrewshire's MPs pledge to donate 'unfair' payrise. Published: 21 Jul 2015 10:30. Gavin Newlands and Mhairi Black will donate £7k to local causes.
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Neenah schools donate desks to charity - The Post-Crescent NEENAH – About 100 desks no longer used by Neenah students will be delivered to students in Liberia through a donation by the Neenah Joint ...
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Last Day To Donate To 12.14 Foundation's A ROCKIN' MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM Cast ... Last Day To Donate To 12.14 Foundation's A ROCKIN' MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM Cast Recording Today is the last day to show support for a ...
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Volunteers, city employees donate time to help with cleanup | Picayune Item WITH HELP FROM FRIENDS: Pictured, a volunteer drills into the plywood, securing the home's front door. Photo by Ashley Collins. Monday ...
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Vycom and Piedmont Plastics Donate Celtec PVC to Worldwide Soap Box Derby for Mini Cars SCRANTON, Pa., July 21, 2015 /PRNewswire/ -- Imagine the fun of kids learning about science and math, while building their own "soap box" style ...
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Sunline to donate bikes to Mecca Boys & Girls Club - The Desert Sun Philanthropy. SunLine Transit Agency in Thousand Palms will present 60 bikes, helmets and locks through their bike refurbishment program at 1:30 ...
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Penny-a-page readers donate for clock at Flemington library FLEMINGTON — Youngsters in the preschool Story Time group at the Flemington Free Public Library earned a penny a page for reading, and they ...
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634 People Pledge To Donate Kidney KUALA LUMPUR, July 21 (Bernama) -- A total of 634 people have pledged to donate their kidneys between January and June this year, the highest ...
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Donate your teddy friends to help out a charity tombola CUDDLYfriends could end up anywhere in the country when they are raffled off to happy campers for charity. Dorset Blind Association needs ...
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Participate in Community Involvement Day and receive free tickets to the 2015 Nevada County Fair Those who donate items to the Food Bank of Nevada County, Foothill Lions, Story Club, Sierra Harvest, NEO, and Nevada County 2-1-1 will receive a ...
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Penarth Rooms Tea Dance Association donate money to Marie Curie Hospice PENARTH Rooms Tea Dance Association members attended a party which raised funds for Marie Curie Hospice, Penarth. The party was held at the ...
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Hearty Start: Feeding the Homeless of NYC One Breakfast Sandwich at a Time - Tech Cocktail Donate a Meal Plan and choose a breakfast sandwich: you can donate (1) egg and cheese, (2) bacon, egg and cheese or (3) sausage, egg and ...
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Watch John Oliver's Sobering Look at US Food Waste It's also expensive for small businesses and restaurants to donate food because tax breaks for charitable donations have become so irregular in the ...
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Reddit is trying to make one of its users a millionaire - Newstalk This is the eighth time that a subreddit, an inidividal topic moderated by the user that created it, has encouraged people on Reddit to donate $1 each, ...
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Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales is launching a social network and phone service to make it easier ... In addition to allowing customers to donate 10% to the charity of their choice, The People's Operator will also donate 25% of its total profits to charities ...
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Queue jump app Charity Wait lets you skip the queue if you donate to charity Those in the queue receive a text message asking whether they'd like to donate and be seated earlier. For those who accept, 60 per cent of the ...
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Area residents say calls to give blood can be "incessant" - The Saratogian "My wife was a regular blood donor to the American Red Cross but, unfortunately, she became sick and couldn't donate, Red Cross kept calling on a ...
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Wyoming launches fund to restore Ideal Park Now, you have the chance to donate to help restore the park. The city of Wyoming has set up a fund to help pay for Ideal Park's restoration. Almost all ...
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WEB | ||||||||
Giving Simon's Rock is a transformative liberal arts education that's only possible because of the bold thinking and generous spirit of the extended Rocker ...
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donate now DONATE NOW. Your donor dollars play a critical role in our ability to provide computer training, interview skills, resume assistance, and job search ...
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Donate Now Donate to Campus Ministry. Donate Now! Catholic Community, Texas Christian University. Catholic Community, TCU The mission of the Catholic ...
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Stats Reset Please enter your username to continue. Continue. Kohi North America. Online. kohi.us. 1425 / 2500 players online. Kohi Europe. Online. kohi.eu.
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Donate Impact Lives. Donate Now. Become a Partner in Global Change. Donate. 1. Donation Amount; 2. Payment Details; 3. Your Information. I Will Donate.
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Donate Just £20. £50. £66. £120. Will pay for a weekly gym pass; enabling a service user to discover positive recovery-focussed activities, Will fund a week of ...
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Donate The UNC Clef Hangers are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. All donations to the UNC Clef Hangers are tax deductible. To donate, please contact the ...
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Donate Donate Now! Helping communities restore their historic buildings, training youth and helping to keep cultural traditions alive is what Cornerstones ...
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Donate FIND US: 1358 East Richards Street. Mailing: P.O. Box 1238 Tyler, TX 75710. Phone: (903) 531-9455. Fax: (903) 531-9328. DONATE NOW!
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Donate & sponsor Technology for Autism Now, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) organization, and accepts tax-deductible donations to be put toward furthering our mission of opening a ...
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Donate Donate. YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE. All donations to the Lions of Michigan Foundation are used to help people in Michigan who have unmet ...
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Donate Donate Now · Give Monthly · Give In Honor or Memory · Fundraising Events · Caring Companies · Other Ways to Give · Home / Donate. Donate ...
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DONATE The Alliance Française de Jackson, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, is funded by the annual dues of the members and excess money, if any, from ...
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Donate School Supplies & Backpacks During United Way's Stuff the Bus Drive Community members are invited to donate school supplies and backpacks for kids at any Fifth Third Bank location in Ottawa County or at Loutit Library ...
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Donate The Penn Pancreatic Cancer Research Center (PCRC) is committed to delivering high quality care for patients with pancreatic cancer. We take a ...
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Donate Our mission to get Ed Colliver elected to the U.S. House of Representatives. We are actively trying to spread the Liberty message.
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Donate Donate · Volunteer · Foster · Medical Funds · Cans for Critters · Lost & Found · Contact Us. You are here: Home / How To Help / Donate ...
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Donate This Friday, the REAL TEAM set out to donate 67 minutes of our time for #MandelaDay. This year, we decided to donate blood for our 67 minutes of a ...
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Donate Today Together we can create a new chapter in the epic story that is Greece. Our story doesn't end in crisis, nor with a return to the status quo. Join us today ...
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Donate Goods Why donate your car or vehicle to The Salvation Army? The Salvation Army will pick up your car, or you may drop it off. The Salvation Army will assist ...
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Donate Taking care of those that take care of you >> Donate Today. We believe in the value of establishing an exceptional quality of life for all of the people ...
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[All Platforms][Subscription] Donate a dollar of m... https://community.spotify.com/t5/Closed-Ideas/Donate-To-This-Artist-button/idi-p/212214. It has sadly been marked as 'Case closed' but please leave ...
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Donate Online HOME. About HOME. Get Help. Policy & Research. Home Consulting Services. News. Get Involved. Events. Social Media. Donate Online. Donate.
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Donate Now Donate Now. By donating to Cops' n Kids we can provide additional services, staff and opportunities for the children we serve in the community.
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Donate to The National Compassion Fund The National Center for Victims of Crime has opened the National Compassion Fund Chattanooga to supp.
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Donate! The Beloved Church. WHAT IS THE BELOVED? DONATE! GET CONNECTED. DONATE! Please view our fund-raising page and help us reach our goal!
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Donate blood and go to UNTOLD Festival Only 1.7% of Romanian people donate blood in one year, Romania is thus among the last three countries in Europe regarding the number of donors, ...
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X-PacKer 10 for people who don't want to donate Ok so you pay good money for the game, and you want to do some mods but in order to do so you have to "DONATE" ? hell no.
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Donate & Download Donate to the Save the Rhino Foundation and receive a free Rhino Song download. Go to Bandcamp: *Donations must be above $2.
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Wikipedia founder launches social network to make it easier to donate to charities The social network is called "TPO," named after "The People's Operator" — the charitable mobile phone service that allows people to automatically ...
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DONATE Supporting adoptions, orphanages, education and programs for underprivileged children, including those with special needs.
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Metro Girl Asking Friends To Donate Stuffed Animals For Birthday Rather than receiving gifts this year she's asking her friends to donate stuffed animals that then will be given to sick kiddos at OU Medical Center.
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Donate to PAC If you would like to make a secure online donation, please enter the amount you would like to donate in the box below and click the "donate" button.
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Donate Donate. FROM PAGE ONE. By Everett Clinton. The United Way of Greater Texarkana will host its annual Stuff-A-Bus school supply drive to assist ...
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Sponsor a Blackout Bag Every winter and spring, God's Love delivers emergency food boxes to every client, which include non-perishable food items, ensuring that no one ...
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Donate | Sonya Blush Memorial Fund Donate to Sonya Blush Memorial Fund. It's easy & secure. YouCaring.com makes it really easy to support your favorite cause or a loved one in need.
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Donate Donate - Click The Button Below To Donate Toward Children's Water Foundation Or Purchase A Copy Of Five Years To Life, Grand Slam Or Other ...
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Donate! Donate! LISTEN LIVE NOW! Best for use with iTunes or other external player · Facebook; Twitter; Google; RSS · KRMA Radio | Classic Rock & Talk 24 ...
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Donate Now YMCA of Hamilton|Burlington|Brantford: Child Care; Camping; Fitness and Aquatics programs; Education and Employment Services; Community ...
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Can You Donate Plasma While Taking Garcinia Cambogia Coffee with pure a placebo accumulation canada scam natural developing return term for 1. can you donate plasma while taking garcinia cambogia.
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YMCA of the East Bay - Online Portal Campaign, Start Date, End Date. Downtown Oakland YMCA Annual Campaign 2016, Jul 1, 2015, Dec 31, 2016. Eastlake YMCA Annual Campaign ...
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Attorneys Donate 81000 Hours of Pro Bono Work in 2014 By volunteering their services to those in need, several thousand Ohio lawyers change lives across the Buckeye state. The attorneys performed about ...
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Donate Furniture Donate Furniture. Thank you for considering Renewal North West. We greatly appreciate every donation offered to us. All collections arranged through ...
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could someone donate a camera and or a computer/laptop Dear Sony a day before i wished you just donated just any camera (still or motion) no one responded was it because am far away from USA -but you ...
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Horton For Duluth Chuck Horton, a lifelong resident of Duluth Minnesota is running for Mayor. He wants the city to focus on efforts that will produce a safe community to ...
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Cake and Donate! Our second event saw people from all side of Bristol, and plenty of babies and tots too, coming to Cake on Gloucester Road for our 'Cake & Donate' ...
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donate We have decided to put together an event, open to all creators in SL, who would like to donate one or two items to help raise funds to assist Lexi in her ...
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FSR Member Companies Raise $577M; Donate 3.7M Volunteer Hours for CSR, Financial Literacy As the Financial Services Roundtable gears up for the 2015 Corporate Social Responsibility Leadership Awards reception on July 22, we are proud of ...
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