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Tax revenue running €548m ahead of target The figures show total tax revenue stood at €22.4 billion at the end of the July, a 6.4 per cent increase on the same period last year, and €548 million ...
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Road taxes are rising, even in tax-averse states JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. (AP) — For nearly a century, Missouri has taxed drivers to pay for its roads. That's always provided enough — until now.
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Road taxes are rising, even in tax-averse states "Tax increases are very, very hard to pass," said Missouri Sen. Mike Kehoe, a Republican who supports the measure on Tuesday's ballot for a ...
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Is Paying Taxes Patriotic? President Obama created a stir late last month when he launched a campaign to end the practice of corporate tax inversions. This tax strategy, which ...
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Altogether Now: Our Tax Code Is A Rotting Carcass Few want to speak out in favor of corporate inversions to cut U.S. taxes. Yet Democrats and Republicans can't agree whether we should outlaw ...
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Sales tax holidays: Beloved by many, except economists Sales tax holidays apply to clothing or school supply purchases in 15 states in August, and most of the holidays were designated for the first weekend ...
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Don't Count On Tax Reform To Stop Inversions In the press and on Capitol Hill, the conventional wisdom is that inversions occur because Congress has failed to enact tax reform. The United States ...
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Tax-Free Weekend: What you need to know Tax-free weekend is upon us! This Friday through Sunday (Aug. 8-10), family's across the state will look to get the best bang for their buck on back to ...
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Transurban pays just $3 million tax, despite collecting $1 billion in tolls Australia's monopoly toll road operator Transurban paid $3 million tax last year despite racking up $1 billion in tolls from motorists. As the debate ...
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How Tax Inversions Became the Hottest Trend in M&A Part holiday, part corporate offsite, the peloton brought together top tax and M&A lawyers from Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP.
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Wolf's income tax plan faces age-old constitutional hurdle HARRISBURG - A proposal by Democratic gubernatorial candidate Tom Wolf to overhaul the state income tax means grappling with a four-decade-old ...
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Income tax: Don't panic if your return is under taxman's scrutiny For most taxpayers, scrutiny or audit of tax return means long-drawn hassles, furnishing multiple documents and negotiating with officials.
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Property tax bills rise at Cook County's biggest buildings Property taxes rose at nine out of the 10 commercial properties in Cook County with the highest bills in 2013, according to the Cook County ...
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Transportation tax, farming amendment top Missouri primary that lacks marquee contests The biggest item being decided in Tuesday's primary is proposed Constitutional Amendment 7, which would levy a three-quarters of a cent sales tax to ...
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To tax or not to tax: sugary drinks Last week, 12-term Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro (D-CT), introduced the Sugar-Sweetened Beverages Tax (SWEET) Act, in an effort to combat the ...
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Tax returns flow into city coffers It's easier to drop an envelope in the mail than fighting for a parking space and standing in line to pay taxes, but the numbers would suggest that some ...
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National sales tax pushed by Republicans a bad idea OPINION: This 'fair tax' bill introduced by congressional Republicans would further degrade the American middle class. So-called 'conservatives' who ...
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Mulberry's Tax Rate to Be Its Lowest in Years MULBERRY | It's been more than two decades since property owners in Mulberry paid less than a $7.80 rate in municipal property taxes — until now.
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Tax levy lowered by state aid BASD Board is proposing a tax levy of $20,683,080, which is up 1.97 percent from the current 2013-14 levy. Have your say: WHAT: The Burlington ...
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Cigarette tax, responsibility up in smoke A vote was scheduled Monday on a bill to impose a $2 a pack cigarette tax increase in Philadelphia. The estimated $45 million to be produced by the ...
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Virginia's tax incentives once again lure Hollywood Randall Wallace, who directed "Secretariat" in Virginia, will return to the commonwealth to direct "Point of Order." (Photo: Associated Press).
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Tax sales decoded The county's Tax Claim Bureau has listed hundreds of properties that will be offered at a public sale for delinquent taxes on Monday, Sept. 8, at 1 p.m. ...
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Herbert taps Valentine for top tax commission spot Valentine is a leading advocate in the Senate for sound tax policy and an outstanding public servant who will do a great job leading the Tax ...
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Nixon slams tax breaks ahead of Council debate tonight Jay Nixon's vetoes of several tax breaks stand — as the city also releases statements from department heads decrying the bills' potential fiscal impact.
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Avoid these common (and expensive) tax-filing mistakes You probably think you have a good understanding of our federal income tax system. But since so many of us don't know the basics, let's go through ...
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Tax Inversion: What's the Real Story? Tax inversion is turning the country inside out. Although the rhetoric flying back and forth is complex, the basic premise is actually quite simple: ...
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Lower tax rates would keep corporations home And now company executives are talking about moving their headquarters to Switzerland to take advantage of a much lower corporate tax rate.
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Commuter tax shows need for pension bill, sponsor says HARRISBURG — Scranton's adoption of a 0.75 percent commuter tax shows why state lawmakers need to pass legislation to curb municipal pension ...
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Tax breaks for GE Aviation get the council's approval LAFAYETTE, Ind. (WLFI) – The Lafayette City Council approves a pair of tax ... The first tax abatement is for GE Aviation's leasing company. The other ...
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Teacher pay, tax reform among Sheheen's education priorities COLUMBIA — Higher teacher pay, tax reform, expanding 4-year-old kindergarten statewide and more money for public colleges in exchange for ...
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Tax disincentives for working mums should be removed But as the PC's recent draft report on childcare recognised, there are perverse incentives embedded in our tax-and-transfer system that could be ...
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The Tax Dodge Goes On Evidence of excessive corporate tax avoidance keeps piling up. And so do Congress's excuses, mainly from Republicans, for not doing anything to ...
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Less Gas Tax Hits Count Roads Hard Tennessee's gasoline tax revenues have been dropping, and you may not know it. But the lack of extra dollars means the pothole you've complained ...
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Tax bureau spurns plea from business THE BUREAU of Internal Revenue (BIR) is sticking to its guns on a move to tighten withholding tax reporting, with the agency's chief yesterday ...
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Icon Tax vote: It's up to one man Hamilton County commissioners edged closer Monday to a decision on whether to put a sales tax levy on the November ballot for Music Hall and ...
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Tax loophole: boost your pension by 88pc Everyone can claim tax relief on pension contributions, based on the rate of tax you pay. But even non-earners can claim basic-rate relief of 20pc on ...
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Voters weigh in on Northeastern income tax issue today In Clark County, the Northeastern Local School District will ask voters to approve a five-year, 1-percent earned income tax ballot issue today.
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Sales tax holiday means big sales for retailers Stores worried about sluggish year aren't celebrating yet, but they are feeling more optimistic after a busy back-to-school sales tax holiday.
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Tax Strategy: It's usually impossible to change liquidator named in a will MONTREAL — Changing a liquidator and the tax consequences of owning two properties were among the topics raised in the latest batch of reader ...
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The 'Inversion' Tax Hit on Investors: Answers to Readers' Questions When U.S. companies buy overseas firms in “inversion” deals to reduce their tax payments, investors holding those U.S. stocks in taxable accounts ...
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Assam to tax online purchase and e-commerce trade Assam has proposed to tap new revenue sources and has proposed bring online shopping under the tax net. To tax the online shopping through the ...
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Otherwise, tax rates on recreational marijuana will be easily subverted. The last sentence of the "Better Way to Tax" section of the NYT editorial "Rules for the Marijuana Market," the newest entry in its series promoting the ...
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Get (tax) credit when paying for care? New legislation offers a tax credit for working adults that pay for the care of their parents without requiring that the parents be the child's dependents for ...
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Searches, Storage, and Sales Spain has passed a new law: Websites that link to Spanish newspaper association stories will pay a tax for a story link and a “meaningful description” ...
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Now Crony Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro Introduced a Federal Tax on Sugary Drinks DeLauro was introducing a federal tax on sugary drinks, my very first thought (sadly) was: “How much does she and her husband stand to financially ...
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Tax-Free Weekend The 2014 Texas Sales Tax Holiday begins this weekend, August 8 - 10.
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Grayson College trustees to meet Friday to discuss tax rate Grayson College's Board of Trustees will discuss the 2015 tax rate when they meet at 8:30 a.m. Friday at the College's Campus in Denison. The Board ...
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Protesters go to Harrisburg to push for cigarette tax Two buses of protesters left Philadelphia for Harrisburg this morning to push for a cigarette tax and more education funding. The protesters were from ...
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WABI: Property Tax Break On Way For Seniors Speaker of the House Mark EvesSpeaker of the House Mark Eves | Speaker of the House Mark Eves ⋅ admin AUGUSTA, Maine (AP) — Property tax relief is on the way for some Maine residents. The Portland Press-Herald reports that the Property Tax Fairness ...
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Ad tax set for changes to include internet content providers The government is considering making changes to the way the advertisement tax applies to internet content providers, because global companies do ...
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NEWS: Massive Tax Concessions Fail to Stem Decline Massive Tax Concessions Fail to Stem Decline. Proponents of SB 21 Say Drop is Stopped, Decline is Arrested: Facts Say Otherwise. ANCHORAGE ...
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HMRC targets schemes with upfront tax payments A list of tax avoidance schemes whose users may be required to make an upfront payment of tax has been published by HM Revenue & Customs ...
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Nanny State: Democrat proposes federal tax on sugar by the teaspoon Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn.) introduced this week the Sugar-Sweetened Beverages Tax (SWEET Act), which aims to institute a tax of one cent per ...
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Big Oil Companies Pay A 11.7 Percent Tax Rate The report, published by Taxpayers for Common Sense, found the U.S.'s 20 largest oil and gas companies paid 11.7 percent in taxes from 2009 to ...
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Chicago State Rep. Indicted Again, This Time on Income Tax Charge Here's the indictment of LaShawn Ford: UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT NORTHERN DISTRICT OF ILLINOIS EASTERN DIVISION UNITED ...
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Social Investment Tax Relief Consultation: Important Opportunity for Community Farms, CSAs and ... HMRC has introduced a new tax relief to encourage individual investors to support social enterprises. It's called Social Investment Tax Relief (SITR) ...
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Chicago Democratic Party Legislature Pleads Guilty to Income Tax Charge Illinois State Rep. LaShawn Ford, 42, of Chicago, pleaded guilty today to delivering a false federal income tax return for calendar year 2007 to the ...
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California's New Manufacturing Tax Exemption On July 1, a new California law took effect that allows manufacturers and some research and developers to receive a partial sales and use tax ...
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Aaron Perry opposes gas tax increase “The last thing tax payers need from their next assembly representative is more pain at the gas pump,” Alderman Aaron Perry says. “I'm the only ...
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An Empirical Test of Public Choice Theory Susannah Camic Tahk, Public Choice Theory & Earmarked Taxes, N.Y.U. Tax L. Rev. (forthcoming, 2015), available at SSRN.In 1980, James Q.
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Todelo water, Tax policy, Politics & athletes against domestic violence – 8/5 on Stand Up! In the second hour, tax policy expert, Bruce Bartlett. In the third hour the editor in chief of the Daily Beast, John Avlon. Then a discussion on domestic ...
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The Implemented Return of Tax B Posted on August 4, 2014 by |Tax B|Golds Emperor|. Ave Golds, enough with the stuff going on in real life, Im done with that now I will focus on Golds, ...
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what's the buzz, tell me what's a happennin' FYI - I NEVER call the IRS, or a state tax agency, for anything. To be perfectly honest, I don't trust them to tell me the truth or to actually stand by what ...
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Timberlane Voters: Act now to prevent tax increase If we were to come here without the surplus the tax rate would be hit hard the following year.” But on March 14 this year, days after the voters imposed ...
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FRCA consults Tax Agents FRCA consults Tax Agents. The FRCA will improve its services for small and medium tax agents…Read more · Print This Post ...
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Tax paperwork to be cut under 300 hours a year Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung has required that the tax sector cut the time for enterprises to complete tax paperwork to under 300 hours a year by ...
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Greeks Must Pay Flawed Property Tax Property Tax Bills. Even though many astronomically-high new property tax bills are inaccurate, Greeks must pay them, the Finance Ministry said.
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Wyly Brothers' Use and Tax Abuse of Offshore Banks and Entities (8/5/14) See SEC Suit for Disgorgement of Federal Income Tax Related to Securities Fraud (Federal Tax Crimes Blog 6/16/13), here, and The Big Boys Get ...
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US, SA to share tax information in bid to eliminate tax evasion The agreement promoted transparency between the two nations on tax matters and underscored growing international cooperation in the endeavour ...
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Your tax dollars at work Your tax dollars at work,. Obama's FBI to hire firm to rate 'positive' and 'negative' stories about the agency. Posted by Dutchman6 at 6:26 AM ...
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Read: Catholic Bishops back tax-subsidized adoption discrimination Or at least same-sex couples are the impetus; the actual measures would extend to just about anyone the faith-based-but-tax-supported agency ...
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Scott Smith: His multimillion-dollar foreclosures, settled class action lawsuits, unpaid tax liens What Scott Smith doesn't want you to find out… S-Files. 2 multimillion-dollar foreclosures, 2 settled class action lawsuits, $78,000 in unpaid tax liens.
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Does your tax risk management need a check-up? A survey of corporate tax managers attending a Tax Risk Workshop organised by CCH and law firm Maddocks in June 2014 revealed a high level of ...
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The Tax Breaks That Come with Disasters While the tax code allows you to claim deductions for household damage caused by thefts, vandalism, fires, floods, hurricanes, and others kinds of ...
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Top 5 Questions on State Income Tax Nexus Recognizing what triggers the requirement to file a state income tax return is vital in understanding the tax impacts and developing a growth strategy.
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corporate tax inversions By Chris Edwards News outlets are running stories about the rise in corporate tax inversions. Inversions are financial reorganizations that place U.S. ...
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JUST TAX WHAT THEY CONSUME Workers bear 70 percent of the corporate tax burden, according to the Congressional Budget Office. American Enterprise Institute economists Kevin ...
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Estate Tax Audits for Large Estates Are a Virtual Certainty Choate Hall & Stewart reports that for estates that file estate tax returns, it is a virtual certainty that such returns will be audited. The article.
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Hurricane Irene Extends Some Deadlines The IRS announced today that certain taxpayers in North Carolina, New Jersey, New York and Puerto Rico will receive tax relief, and other locations ...
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ILL-inois: Democratic state rep pleads guilty to tax charge However, on Monday, Ford, 42, pleaded guilty to only a single misdemeanor count of filing a false income tax return for 2007, and prosecutors ...
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Captive Insurance: Feds Promote Tax Benefits, but Pay Attention to the Details Baker Donelson discusses benefits of captive insurance companies. Its article begins as follows: Recent IRS rulings and a U.S. Tax Court decision ...
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Ernst & Young, Argentina: The List from Black to White – Argentina Redefines Income Tax Law To further our previous contribution – Tax Havens: The Argentine Government Issues a New Tax Regulation on Low or Nil Taxation countries (CFI ...
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Documents Reveal Current IRS Procedures On Church Tax Inquiries In 2012, the Internal Revenue Service temporarily suspended tax audits of churches accused of violating Section 501(c)(3)'s ban on political ...
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Coming Soon in v4.07: Tax Exempt Clients The next substantial update to our popular web based room booking and resource scheduling software is just around the corner, and throughout this ...
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National tax cuts? Yep: delivered So this is also akin to a drop in taxes for all the Kiwi workers that don't rely on an employer. Further cuts were likely the following year, she said.
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How Katswiri fooled and tricked Abiti but never defeated Mapwiya using tax payers money. How Katswiri fooled and tricked Abiti but never defeated Mapwiya using tax payers money. By: Magede Si Wandale. Katswiri fooled Abiti.
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Missouri Sales Tax Holiday is This Weekend If you're buying back-to-school products, this weekend is the time to do it. The Missouri sales tax holiday runs from Friday through Sunday. Stores in ...
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Labor Day Weekend Flights Sale, (R/T, w/Tax) If you're looking for one last hurrah before the fall, you better book your flights before Aug. 9, or you're looking at spending an extra $170 or more on ...
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Istanbul from Boston, NYC & Houston (R/T, w/Tax) $492-$527 — New York City to Istanbul (R/T, w/Tax). Oct. 26-Dec. 10 | Jan. 7-March 11. $665-$695 — Houston to Istanbul (R/T, w/Tax). Oct. 26-Dec.
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I scream, you scream, we all scream for a living wage & a Robin Hood Tax Jeff Furman chairs Ben & Jerry's board of directors, and he's just written this article supporting two campaigns close to the TUC's heart - for a living.
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WEB | ||||||||
Tax-Free Exchanges Under Sec. 1031, 2014 ed. Buy Tax-Free Exchanges Under Sec. 1031, 2014 ed. at Legal Solutions from Thomson Reuters. Get free shipping on law books.
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Do I have to pay tax on an inherited IRA? Dear Tax Talk, My father had an individual retirement account worth about $20,000 that I just inherited at his death. I'm told that now I will have to pay ...
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Helpful Tax Resources and Articles Discover helpful tips, resources, and content to help your tax firm. Intuit Accountants has created a series of articles on the latest and greatest topics ...
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Mizrahi Bank Client Sentenced for Filing False Tax Return Although Hakimijoo and his brother claimed the interest paid on the back-to-back loans as a business deduction for federal tax purposes, they failed to ...
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Federal Tax No two businesses have the same needs, especially with federal tax. Your trusted CBIZ adviser helps you understand what is right for your business.
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NPR: Tax Extenders Bill Killed by Politics on Capitol Hill Ron Wyden, a Democrat from Oregon, brought a bill to the floor that basically offered tax incentives to businesses and individuals. Those incentives ...
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Thomas Piketty's False Depiction of Wealth in America The mid-century period that Piketty sees as most ideal, when top tax rates were above 90 percent, actually exhibits the lowest turnover rate among big ...
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When Did Your State Adopt Its Tax on Distilled Spirits? This week's tax map takes a look at when each state first adopted its distilled spirits excise tax, if it has one. Federal taxation of alcohol dates back to ...
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Georgia State Seeks to Hire a Tax Clinician The Clinical Professor will primarily assist in the operation and administration of the Tax Clinic and will have limited teaching responsibilities.
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Frequently Asked Questions The 'Accumulated Taxes' are any property taxes that come due between the first day that a property is advertised for tax sale and the day that the ...
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Wolf proposes income tax overhaul HARRISBURG — A proposal by Democratic gubernatorial candidate Tom Wolf to overhaul the state income tax means grappling with a ...
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Short Term Rental Tax Reports and Instructions Use the new Short Term Rental tax forms if you are a Bed & Breakfast, Vacation Rental (owner / operator does not live at home) or "Home Stay" (owner ...
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Abolishing the Corporate Income Tax Could Be Good for Everyone Most Americans see the corporate income tax as a tax that affects only businesses, but it is ultimately American workers that bear the burden of the tax.
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Corporate Inversions, Tax Rates, and Tax Revenues News outlets are running stories about the rise in corporate tax inversions. Inversions are financial reorganizations that place U.S. firms under foreign ...
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Abolishing the Corporate Income Tax Could Be Good for Everyone The U.S. corporate income tax produces little revenue — only 1.8 percent of gross domestic product (GDP), or about $288 billion in 2013. Yet the ...
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Beverage Industry Slams Dem's Soda Tax: 'Gov't Can Legislate Healthy Lifestyles' The soda industry responded to Rep. Rosa DeLauro's (D-Conn.) introduction of the Sugar-Sweetened Beverages Tax (SWEET Act), which aims to ...
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John Moolenaar's Tax of the Day: Tax #24 Tax #24 – SB 5107, Repealing Telecom Tax Exemptions. Dewitt, MI — In 2005, John Moolenaar voted to repeal the use tax exemption on wide area ...
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HSBC H1 pre-tax profit down 12% HSBC H1 pre-tax profit down 12%. 15 Hours Ago. CNBC's Helia Ebrahimi comments on HSBC's results and says that the picture for the banking ...
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Tax Credit Masquerade Beware of changes to tax credits masquerading as reforms. Sometime the proposed “reforms” transform what was originally a worthwhile effort to help ...
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State Tax Handbook Tax - Federal, State, Local (Direct Tax) (334). Business ... U.S. International & Multinational Tax Compliance (61). Tax - Sales ...
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Tax Preparer Tax Preparer (North Hollywood) Compensation: Discussed on interview based on skills, knowledge and experience. We are a small business office ...
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Tax Manager Opportunity Tax Manager Job in Chicago, IL. A Tax Manager role is currently available in Chicago, IL. If you have six years of tax experience, specifically sales and ...
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Copy of 2013 tax return If you prepared your return using the desktop program, Turbotax does not have a copy of your tax return. Unfortunately, the only copy was.
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tax info Hi, I'm an italian writer. I want to publish my novel to payment on iBooks. Finally I have Ein code, but now i'm stop in "TAX INFORMATION". Help me ...
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BRENHAM SCHOOL BOARD SETS TAX RATE Homeowners in the Brenham Independent School District will see a slight increase in their taxes this year, even though the tax rate will remain the ...
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Spain's Link Tax Taxes Journalist's Patience rsmiller510 writes Spain's new tax on linking to Spanish newspaper articles is ill defined and short sighted and ends up protecting a dying industry, ...
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NPR Debate: Corporate Tax Inversions NPR -- The Diane Rehm Show, Debate Over Corporate Tax 'Inversions': A growing number of American companies are re-incorporating overseas for ...
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Income, Gift and Estate Tax Planning Knowing what your tax obligations are can help you make informed decisions. More importantly, the proper structuring of transactions in a tax efficient ...
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What homeowners should know about DOE tax credits The federal government also makes it possible for homeowners to save money on their taxes. The US Department of Energy makes 30%tax credits ...
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Tax evasion reaches EGP 6bn in one month Egyptian government has previously announced a 1.6% estimate increase in tax revenues during the current fiscal year.
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Local Insurance and Tax 1 Review of Local Insurance and Tax "Great customer service and awesome rates!!!"
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72M Twenty-Four Story The Crossing in Clayton Receives Tax Abatement The City of Clayton approved 353 tax-abatement status on July 22 for phase one of The Crossing; a 26-story upscale apartment tower to be built on ...
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Obama administration and IRS now able to spy, track, tax and confiscate US dollars across the world The Obama administration and the IRS is NOW able to reach across the world to spy, track, tax, and potentially confiscate U.S. dollars from anyone, ...
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Congress Should Reinforce The Inheritance Tax, Not Scrap It More than 222 House members — nearly all of them Republicans — have co-sponsored legislation to abolish America's inheritance tax, a levy that ...
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Obamacare and Extenders: Examining the Draft 1040 for 2014 The IRS last month posted drafts of its new forms for the 2014 tax year. These should by no means be considered complete – Congress can often keep ...
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438 Ukrainian troops seek asylum in Russia; government passes I was reminded of it when I came back to Kiev over the weekend and that the Ukrainian government imposed a series of “temporary” taxes to help the ...
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The 4 Key Tax Codes That Allow Tax-Preferred Premium Reimbursement Key sections of the IRS code allow for tax-preferred premium reimbursement. The four Internal Revenue Codes that allow this.
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Dem: Tax Every Teaspoon of Sugar introduced this week the Sugar-Sweetened Beverages Tax (SWEET Act), which aims to institute a tax of one cent per teaspoon – 4.2 grams – of sugar, ...
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