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Connecticut gears up for 15th annual sales-tax-free week The annual promotion, which began in 2000 amid record-setting budget surpluses, waives sales tax on all clothing and footwear items costing less ...
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7 things you absolutely must know about corporate taxes Politicians are hopping mad because a spate of big U.S. companies are trying to escape higher tax bills by proposing mergers with foreign firms.
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Forget Inversions, These 20 Huge, Profitable Companies Already Pay Zero Tax Remember the flap over Apple's taxes? In May 2013, the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations released a report finding that Apple ...
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Merchants offer advice to customers taking advantage of Massachusetts tax-free weekend As merchants brace themselves for crowds this tax-free weekend, some advise their customers to decide on their purchases the day before to avoid ...
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Shrinking revenue spurs gas tax alternative That's why he volunteered to test a new program in his home state that would levy a tax on miles driven, rather than on each gallon of fuel purchased.
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Tax inner suburbs to service the outer A "spatial accessibility tax", levied progressively on metropolitan properties and based on a relative composite measure of spatial access to ...
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Rauner won't commit to releasing full tax documents SPRINGFIELD — Bruce Rauner remained defiant in insisting he's released enough on his taxes and wouldn't commit to making public his full tax ...
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The IRS Has a Tax Cheat Sheet for Small Business Owners Taxes are a big deal—especially for small business owners. The IRS can end up taking more than 50% of your Schedule C profit in ordinary income ...
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For the first time in four years, state tax revenues declined in the first quarter State tax revenues dropped in the first quarter of the year for the first time since the end of 2009 — and early data suggest the decline continued in the ...
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IRS warns public about phony tax scams Scammers increasingly have been exploiting that, posing as Internal Revenue Service agents and tricking people into paying phony tax bills.
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Mayoral candidates Elorza, Smiley rip Solomon over car tax plan A day after City Council President Michael Solomon released a plan to raise the city's car tax exemption from $1,000 to $2,000, Democratic opponents ...
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Court battle over bedroom tax and benefits Sandwell residents are going to court to fight a Government ruling on disability benefits and the 'bedroom tax' that could pave the way for appeals ...
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Harrisburg leads Dauphin County in real estate tax scofflaws "If your neighbor's not paying taxes and there are no consequences, why should you be the schmuck who's paying taxes?" – Kevin Gillen, economist.
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Tax Dodgers' Compound for Sale After 2007 Standoff The New Hampshire compound of a tax-evading couple convicted of amassing an arsenal of weapons and holding federal law enforcement officials at ... Auction scheduled for New Hampshire properties of tax evaders who held feds at bay in 2007 - Fox News
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Congress Shouldn't Make State Tax Systems Worse Congress certainly doesn't do taxes well, or at least it hasn't since 1986. The federal corporate tax needs to be reformed. The personal income tax ...
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Indiana universities face cuts if tax intake lags INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — Indiana's public universities could see their budgets cut another 2 percent if state tax collections continue lagging behind ...
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McFadden Reverses Course On Gas Tax Hike ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) — Republican U.S. Senate candidate Mike McFadden is backing away from remarks supporting a raise in the gas tax to pay for ...
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Allentown residents admit to $700000 IRS scam The scam capitalized on a provision in the tax code under which residents of Puerto Rico are only required to file taxes if they earn income in the ...
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Developer of $16.5 Elmsford development seeks tax breaks Eickelbeck said the development of the site would create 120 construction jobs and raise the lot's annual property taxes from about $150,000 to about ...
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In first budget, Mayor Hodges proposes property tax increase for Minneapolis In her 2015 budget address on Thursday, Minneapolis Mayor Betsy Hodges proposed a 2.4 percent increase in the city's property tax levy, a move that ...
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Chesco lawmaker eyes cigarette tax hike to fund property tax relief All the talk about hiking the cigarette tax in Philadelphia to help fund city schools has some state lawmakers wondering, what about the rest of the state ...
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$400M Calif. film and TV tax credit passes Senate committee A bill to expand California's film and TV tax credit program on Thursday passed the Senate Appropriations Committee. The bill is aimed at helping the ... California Senate committee approves quadrupling the tax incentives for film and TV production - Washington Post (blog)
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Pacquiao sought SC help in P3-B tax case, appeals court says (Updated 3:51 p.m.) Boxing champ Manny Pacquiao wants the Supreme Court to stop the Court of Tax Appeals from ordering him to post a ...
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Appleton committee approves wheel tax APPLETON – Would you be willing to pay a tax every year for driving, if it ... Appleton's finance committee voted to approve adding the wheel tax.
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Durbin urges another local company not to flee US Dick Durbin has a new target in his bid to halt U.S. firms from moving corporate headquarters overseas to cut their tax bills: Hospira Inc., a Lake ...
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North Carolina Counties Want Higher Hotel Occupancy Tax Several counties in North Carolina are pushing to increase their hotel occupancy taxes up to the state maximum of 6 percent. Most of the counties say ...
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Michigan still taxes businesses more than most states, according to report Gov. Rick Snyder in 2011 signed business tax changes into law. The results of those are showing up in an annual report on state's business tax ...
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Social Security tax changes could hit small business owners with a double whammy While the rate of the Social Security tax remains unchanged at 6.2 percent for W-2 employees (matched by a 6.2 percent tax on the employer), the ...
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$2.46T: Tax Revenues for FY14 Hit Record Through July--Gov't Runs $460B Deficit (CNSNews.com) -- Inflation-adjusted federal tax revenues hit a record $2,469,178,000,000 for the first 10 months of fiscal year this July, but the federal ...
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PBC ready to mail property tax notices: 174 miles of paper When Palm Beach County property owners receive their 2014 Notices of Proposed Taxes later this month, many might grumble, but few will consider ...
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Garcetti sees progress on film tax credit negotiations Jerry Brown has agreed to support an expansion of California's film tax credit, a high-profile effort to keep production jobs in the state. It's unclear ...
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Local Government Insider: Koch group opposes Upper Arlington income-tax hike Eli Miller, the state director of Americans for Prosperity Ohio, wrote in a news release that his anti-tax group has received “numerous phone calls and ...
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Saginaw considers tax incentives for series of new developments SAGINAW, MI — Saginaw city leaders have taken the first step toward approving a series of tax incentives for groups renovating and developing a ...
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Bill gives Northrop massive tax break The tax break approved by the Senate is designed to boost Northrop Grumman Corp.'s chances of landing a contract to build the high-tech planes that ...
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Digester's tax exempt status cuts Vienna valuation by $7M With new legislation exempting manure digesters from property taxes ... According to a Town of Vienna newsletter, for the town portion of the tax, ...
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Water district candidate challenges "unfair" tax Kremen said property owners in Palo Alto, Mountain View and Los Altos Hills pay millions in California State Water Project taxes every year, but don't ...
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House Republicans: End 'harmful' wind tax credit “Ensuring that our nation's patchwork tax code undergoes significant reform is a noble goal and, as part of this process, we believe Congress should ...
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Council may bump up tax rate in Killeen The city's current tax rate is 74.28 cents per $100 property valuation. The preliminary tax rate, which also is the effective tax rate, is set at 74.98 cents ...
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Commission fluffs up bed tax to 5 percent "We're stretched beyond thin,'' Tammy Heon told the County Commission as she made her pitch to increase the county's tourist tax from 3 percent to 5 ...
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Same tax mistake, different town Borough officials said the mistake could increase tax bills by hundreds of dollars each year, depending on each home's assessed value. Everett said ...
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Tax-Free Week Expected To Save Shoppers Millions Connecticut shoppers can look forward to a little extra money in their wallets when the state holds its annual tax-free week Aug. 17 to 23. During that ...
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(D-GA) Wants Carbon Tax. Calls Opponents to the Idea "Nutcases". Jason Carter is the Democrats' nominee for Governor of Georgia. His top fundraiser flew to Aspen, CO on Tuesday to champion a carbon tax to fight ...
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Educators oppose tax credit changes Several higher education groups say that a House approved change to current tax benefits would hurt older students who aren't full-time students.
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Wesley Snipes Talks The actor, who served out his 3-year sentence on failure to file taxes was released in 2013 and is back in the big screen, where he belongs. He's in ...
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Tax Dollars Wasted on "Discredited Expert" And they're using your tax dollars to defend these terrible laws. But what really boggles the mind is that Alabama, North Dakota, Texas, and Wisconsin ...
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Mrs. Thatcher's Poll Tax The anti-government riots in London at the end of March were, it must be noted, anti-tax riots, and surely a movement in opposition to taxation can't be ...
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CORPORATE WELFARE: Gaylord Hotel Project Benefits from Fishy Tax Scheme Aurora politics have been thrust into the spotlight based on reports that a new hotel tax scheme is fostering corporate welfare on a massive scale.
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Senate Finance Committee Examines Impact of CHIP Tobacco Tax Hikes Committee chairman Senator Ron Wyden opened the hearing by accusing the tobacco industry of tax evasion, citing more than $2 billion in tax ...
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Delaware Woman Sentenced in Million Dollar Tax Scheme A Claymont woman will spend time in prison for a tax fraud and identity theft scheme. Written by: Jon Budler. 2014/08/14 4:46 PM. A Claymont woman ...
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2469178000000: Tax Revenues Hit Record Through July (CNSNews.com) – Inflation-adjusted federal tax revenues hit a record $2,469,178,000,000 for the first 10 months of the fiscal year this July, but the ...
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So DeKalb Has a Streets Problem — Is TIF or a Sales Tax Hike the Answer? Of the $1.5 million the city plans to spend on streets this year, $1 million comes from the city's two tax increment financing districts. TIF districts allow ...
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Property Taxes Going Up In Coffee County The Coffee County commission met on Tuesday night with a property tax increase on the agenda. After a 12-6 vote Coffee County land owners will ...
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NC Journal Does Local Tax Measures An informative article in this week's North Coast Journal lays out the facts regarding all the local tax increases we'll have on the ballot this November.
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Structural Reforms Can Help Japan's Post-Consumption Tax Blues Many cite the increase in the sales tax this April for this decline. But that is not the full story. Yes, it is true that consumer responses to major tax ...
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An Unpleasant Experience with IRS Ed Slott and Company – IRA, Tax, Retirement Planning Articles, Insight ⋅ noreply@blogger.com (Jared Trexler) IRS tax payment An advisor had a client who had missed part of her required minimum distribution (RMD). No big deal. This happens – frequently.
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2 Local Companies Seek Tax Abatements This week members of the Plymouth Common Council approved the first step in the tax abatement process for two local companies by declaring their ...
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Keeping Your Balance: Tax policy legislation for 2014 is set … right? We last visited this during April of this year when the Senate Finance Committee passed (voted out of committee) a tax extenders bill with very strong, ...
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Tax-paid investment — too good to be true? Supposedly, even at a 20% tax bracked, one invests in this company, pays 30% donw, and the goverment tax credit for the investment, plus the ...
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Beautiful Humanitarians Pay the Ultimate Tax As gruesome as this is, I thought it fits your current theme of “summer victims” and your perennial theme of the Eloi tax. By the way, I'm a first-time ...
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What Happens If You Don't File Your Taxes? The only certainties in life are death and taxes, as the saying goes. Taxes are an annual event that, however unpleasant, we all have to deal with.
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what's the buzz, tell me what's a happennin' “The Louisiana Department of Revenue announced Tuesday its plans to host a tax amnesty program for 30 days in October and November.
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Can a CPA Bury his Client by Trying to Save Him The story related in US v Ellefsen, an eighth circuit criminal appeal highlights a knotty problem that a tax preparer can run into. When someone sells ...
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Lib Dems pledge more tax cuts: after personal allowance raised to £12.5k will also increase ... Today's big announcement from the Lib Dems has been the “plan to cut your tax bill further”. Here's how The Guardian reports it: The.
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The 70 1/2 and Working RMD Rule: Does it Apply to Self-Employed Business Owners? Ed Slott and Company – IRA, Tax, Retirement Planning Articles, Insight ⋅ noreply@blogger.com (Jared Trexler) Ed Slott and Company – IRA, Tax, Retirement Planning Articles, Insight. IRA and retirement ... Hmm … since when do tax laws make sense! Thanks.
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Companies Desperate to Avoid ObamaCare 'Cadillac Tax' Shifting Costs to Workers “The excise tax, when it hits in 2018, will affect both employers and employees,"said Brian Marcotte, president of the National Business Group on ...
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Questions over Lib Dem fiscal policies deepen with more tax cuts floated Edition #50 of Liberal Democrat Newswire came out last week, looking in particular at how the party's tax and spend policies are shaping up for 2015.
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COMBank's 1H pre-tax profit tops Rs. 6 b mark The Commercial Bank of Ceylon PLC has reported a noteworthy performance, posting profit before tax of Rs 6.474 billion and net profit after tax of Rs ...
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tax inversion At 35 percent, the U.S. nominal corporate tax rate is highest among member nations in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development ...
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Test Your Tax Data Knowledge Do you know how many individual tax returns are filed with the IRS each year? Do more returns have a marginal rate of 35% or 15%? I've got a short ...
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KS: Wichita sales tax hike would hit low income families hardest By Bob Weeks Analysis of household expenditure data shows that a proposed sales tax in Wichita affects low income families in greatest proportion, ...
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Saline County voters to decide sales tax for jail sales tax SALINA, Kan. (AP) — A Kansas county will ask voters to approve a sales tax to build a new complex to house its jail, court system and ...
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Will Whistleblowing be Changing the Tax Game I have invited a guest post on a topic that to me is about the most disturbing development in tax practice. Patrick Carmody is withCarrig Counsel which ...
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TAX WHAT YOU DON'T WANT, NOT WHAT YOU DO In his latest paper, published by the National Tax Journal, [Michael J. Graetz, a former Treasury official in the first Bush administration and longtime ...
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2014 IL-941 Illinois Withholding Income Tax Return Did you know you can file this form online? Filing online is quick and easy! Click here to file your IL-941 online · Right click here and "save as" to ...
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Bingo Tax & License Fees The tax is imposed on the privilege of conducting bingo games. Annual license fees are imposed on operators, providers, and suppliers of bingo ...
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How Much Will Corporate Tax Inversions Cost the US Treasury? In a Washington Post article, BusinessWeek's Allan Sloan writes about corporate inversions saying: “All of this threatens to undermine our tax base, ...
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Social Investment tax relief (SITR) Social Investment Tax Relief (SITR). Guidance for social enterprises. Eligibility and the conditions social enterprises must meet so investors can claim ...
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3. Tax Maps Tax Map 101 · Tax Map 102 · Tax Map 103 · Tax Map 104 · Tax Map 105 · Tax Map 106 · Tax Map 107 · Tax Map 108 · Tax Map 109 · Tax Map 110.
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California Senate Approves Tax Bill Aimed at Donald Sterling State Tax Notes today reports that the California Senate just approved a bill that would prohibit sports team owners from deducting professional fines ...
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More Tax Inversion, MLP News Barron's, One Kinder MLP An After-Tax Loser In Consolidation Deal – Wells ... Bloomberg, Obama Won't Return Money From Tax Deals He Dislikes ...
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Red Cross Client Assistance Cards Tax Exempt Status tax? The answer depends upon where the purchase is made. The following chart shows which states do not charge sales tax on these purchases ...
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Accounting Firms Wolters Kluwer is your trusted leader in accounting firm solutions including accounting and audit, financial and estate planning, workflow, and tax.
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Pinoys pay highest tax rate among ASEAN countries Filipino workers pay the highest income tax in the entire Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) region, according to the Tax Management ...
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Texas Resident Charged with Tax Fraud and Financial Institution Fraud A Texas woman who was the manager of a North Carolina tax preparation business was indicted today for multiple tax crimes and making false ...
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Topic: State & Local Tax Impact The City is now asking me to identify all the tax rates used in the state and local tax impact reports. Can you tell me if there's a way for me to do this ...
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Shrinking Revenue Spurs Gas Tax Alternatives Gas tax revenue declines. How about a mileage-driven tax? Would you pay more or less?
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Tax Rates Real Property – Due May 20 and Nov. 20 of each year. Washington County: $0.63 per $100 of fair market value (Due Dates: May 20 & Nov 20) ...
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iTrust Tax and Accounting iTrust Tax and Accounting provides strategic tax, accounting and bookkeeping services as well as business start up and Self Managed Super Fund ...
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Taxes Even if you don't work in the U.S., you must still file taxes and comply with all Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and California Franchise Tax Board ...
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Confusion leads to sales tax mistakes at Tejon outlets Outlet managers work to stop stores charging more for sales tax.
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St. Paul mayor calls for slightly higher taxes, more money for roads Mayor Chris Coleman is proposing a modest increase in the city's tax levy and a major change in road repair policy. In his 2015 budget address on ...
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400 M Proposed By Pols For California Film & TV Tax Credit Program Look out New York, the home of Hollywood is about to give you a run for your tax credit money. As I reported last week, the effort to expand California's ...
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Why One State Is Talking Tax Cuts: 'It Is Time to Give the Taxpayers a Pay Raise' (Watchdog) – If Mississippi Lt. Gov. Tate Reeves has his way, one of the state's most onerous taxes may be on the chopping block. The Republican ...
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Detroit News: Keep corporations home with tax reform But those taxes should be fair. Instead of weighing measures to punish corporations that take advantage of these so-called tax inversions, the better ...
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SF Approves California's First Tax Incentive for Urban Ag The new law allows a tax break for SF property owners who dedicate their land to agricultural use for at least five years. For more background on the ...
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Another Tax Reform Solution: Taxing Consumption According to much conventional wisdom, the flap over corporate “tax inversions” is just the latest evidence that the tax code needs a comprehensive ...
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Tax rates for 2014-15 set at August meeting The Board of Education set tax rates for 2014-15 for the four towns in the district at its meeting on Tuesday, August 12. Based on the recently finalized ...
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The Federal Tax ID Number Harvard College Office of Student Life, updated 4/2014. Obtaining an EIN for your Student Organization. What is a Federal Tax ID Number/EIN?
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Tax The Tax group at Willkie is an international, multi-disciplinary leader in the field, ... Our tax lawyers work closely with our M&A, private equity, insurance ...
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Tax Information For Dealers Filing sales tax in Denver can be a bit complex, so we have some of the basic information you'll need for 2014. For sales at RMFC 2014, the deadline ...
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Why will Turbo Tax NOT respond to my request for a copy of my online work Why will Turbo Tax NOT respond to my request for a copy of my online work product??? Where does it go???? Seems like a lot of questions ask but ...
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The Offshore Wrapper: a week in tax justice #28 The welcome news for tax justice campaigners was that one of the outcomes of the summit was the creation of (another) high-level working group on ...
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budget and proposed tax rate meeting is to discuss the school district's budget that will determine the tax rate that will be adopted. Public participation in the discussion is invited.
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Fuel tax credits - latest changes Fuel tax credits – latest changes. The carbon tax repeal has affected rates. This means fuel tax credit rates for fuel acquired on or after 1 July 2014:.
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NBAA Engaged in Latest SEC Disclosure, Tax Reform Discussions Recently, Scott O'Brien, NBAA's senior manager for finance and tax policy, attended a congressional hearing on tax reform. The hearing, held July 30 ...
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I need to download my tax info onto my mac so I can amend it. I have already changed the text file ... I need to download my tax info onto my mac so I can amend it. I have already changed the text file to 2012 but still when I open it i can only see ...
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Get Rid Of the Crony Wind Tax, Republican Lawmakers Say “Ensuring that our nation's patchwork tax code undergoes significant reform is a noble goal and, as part of this process, we believe Congress should ...
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Alpha B Group Tax & Bookkeeping Services Alpha B Group is a fast- growing tax and bookkeeping firm which specializes in individual and business tax returns. With well-seasoned tax ...
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Final Approval For Wolverine Tax Deal Final Approval for Wolverine Tax Deal. "Welcome to Stevensville! We are excited! You have a great piece of property!" With those words of welcome ...
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New Tax Threatens To Destroy Gas Production In Ukraine Independent gas producers in Ukraine are joining forces to pressure the government in Kiev to re-think its new gas tax before everyone makes a run ...
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Department of Revenue reminds homeowners and renters of upcoming property tax refund deadline upcoming property tax refund deadline. ST. PAUL, Minn. – The Minnesota Department of Revenue is reminding homeowners and renters that the due ...
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