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30+ Tax Tips From The Tax Pros July 15, 2020, marked the end of tax season for those taxpayers not on extension. The revised due date made for an interesting tax season, for sure, ...
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How To Protect Yourself From The 'Dirty Dozen' Tax Scams Consumers can help protect themselves by choosing a reputable tax specialist. The IRS urges taxpayers to refrain from engaging potential scammers ...
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DA Accuses Trump of Delay 'Strategy' in Fight Over Tax Returns The office is seeking the president's personal tax returns and those of his family business, the Trump Organization, as part of an investigation into ...
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Ax-wielding man attacks Greek tax office staff, 3 badly hurt THESSALONIKI, Greece — A man wielding an ax and shouting "this is what you deserve" attacked employees at a tax office in northern Greece on ...
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Apple wins EU court battle over unpaid Irish tax bill of $15 billion Europe's second highest court annulled a ruling that said Apple gained an unfair tax advantage on its Irish businesses ...
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White House warns stimulus package 'must' include Trump payroll tax cut proposal Trump's renewed push for a payroll tax holiday comes as Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) prepares to unveil legislation next week that ...
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Trump tells judge he will keep fighting Vance tax subpoena President Donald Trump told a judge he will continue to challenge a grand jury subpoena seeking his tax filings after the U.S. Supreme Court said he ...
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The Tax Man Cometh: Did You Get Your Taxes Filed? ... TurboTax expert Lisa Greene-Lewis answers questions for those stragglers who waited until the very last second to file their federal income taxes.
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Dickinson opt out of tax exemptions for renewable energy projects, despite limited public opposition Deangelis pointed out that Cuomo has been pushing to expand renewable energy generation in New York and said by opting out of the tax break, the ...
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CPAs Struggling Under Pandemic Stress, Extra-Long Tax Season This tax season was the most brutal Shaun Goodman, a certified public accountant, has faced in his 14-year career. Goodman, a partner at the ...
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Former Seminole County Tax Collector accused of making fake IDs with customers' information SEMINOLE COUNTY, Fla. – During his time as Seminole County tax collector, Joel Greenberg used information from surrendered driver's licenses to ...
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Manhattan DA accuses Trump of trying to stall tax return subpoena ... over a subpoena for his tax returns after the Supreme Court ruled the president does not have absolute immunity from the prosecutor's investigation.
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What do business tax incentives buy? The incentive program, which offered state and local tax refunds to businesses that create or retain jobs with above-average salaries, brought thousands ...
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Trump Threatens Stimulus Package; Insists On Including Payroll Tax Cut Trumps insistence on a payroll tax cut is threatening the next stimulus bill, including a potential ... [+] second stimulus check and the extension of federal ...
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San Bernardino leaders send 1% sales tax measure to November ballot San Bernardino voters have four months to decide whether they want to tax themselves more on certain purchases in town to improve the city's ...
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Apple's tax agreement with Ireland was lawful, EU court says The Commission said Ireland must recover the back taxes from Apple, but the court disagreed. The case against Apple is one of numerous tax-related ...
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Shop smarter this sales tax holiday weekend (WBRC) - Alabama's sales tax holiday will officially begin at 12:01 a.m. Friday. Whether your child is going back to school in-person or virtually this year, ... Alabama's sales tax holiday for school set for July 17-19; Here are sales, what you need to know - al.com
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Pennsylvania Natural Gas Bill Worth $667 Million in Tax Breaks Pennsylvania manufacturers using dry natural gas to make petrochemicals and fertilizers would be eligible for nearly $667 million in tax breaks over ...
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County Commissioners approve tax abatement for new Hershey warehouse in Annville Lebanon County Commissioners approved a request from The Hershey Company to provide tax relief for a $89 million construction project that will ...
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California Franchise Tax Board Publishes List of State's Top 500 Tax Delinquencies collectively owe the state more than $151 million in state income tax. In February, FTB sent letters to taxpayers scheduled to appear on the list. Of these ...
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Rep. Rice introduces new tax credit to help promote healthy workplaces The legislation would provide a refundable tax credit against payroll taxes for 50% of the costs spent on COVID-19 testing, personal protection ...
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Second Installment Tax Bills, Due Aug. 3, May Be Paid As Late As Oct. 1 Assessor Damisch advises taxpayers with property tax escrows held by their mortgage companies not to pay property taxes on their own. If they do, an ...
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Qualifying amusement businesses eligible for admissions tax refund through SCDOR (WMBF) – Qualifying amusement establishments in South Carolina can apply for an admissions tax refund from the state Department of Revenue ...
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Tax Options to Promote Short-Term Recovery and Long-Term Economic Growth in Wisconsin Similarly, revenue from various business taxes, like the corporate income tax and the franchise tax, has already come in ahead of the Legislative Fiscal ...
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Putnam County eyeing finances again after tax-bill snafu 2019 is about half of what the county was at this time last year as the first installment of tax bills comes due. He said there does appear to be a lot of ...
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Tax Hikes in a Pandemic: Some States, Cities Say Yes Nashville City Councilman Bob Mendes tried unsuccessfully for two years to get his booming city to raise property taxes to address its growing ...
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San Bernardino leaders send 1% sales tax measure to November ballot Since 2007, Measure Z, a voter-approved 0.25% sales tax set to sunset in 2022, has generated approximately $92 million for public safety, city officials ...
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Half Moon Bay council to consider hike in short-term lodging tax The tax is a levy on fees charged at hotels and other short-term lodging and could bring in as much as $1.5 million annually. The City Council will ...
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Fitch Rates Phoenix, AZ $405MM Excise Tax Revs 'AA+'; Outlook Stable --$174.8 million subordinated excise tax revenue bonds, series 2017A, B and C outstanding at 'AA+'. The Rating Outlook is Stable. All series of bonds ...
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Payroll tax: Focus on affordable housing The opinions by The Seattle Times editorial board and business columnist Jon Talton assume that corporations move jobs away from higher tax areas.
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DiNapoli: June Tax Receipts Down 17% Over Last Year State tax receipts in June were down $1.5 billion — or 17.3% — from the previous year, according to a monthly state cash report released by state ...
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In fight for Trump's tax returns, DA's office tells his lawyers to 'bring it on' After the Supreme Court rejected President Donald Trump's claim of broad immunity from a Manhattan grand jury subpoena for his tax returns, Trump's ...
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Indiana drops corporate tax rate as Illinois considers increasing it Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker's 'fair tax' would raise Illinois business taxes to the highest in the nation as neighboring Indiana cuts taxes to draw businesses ...
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Tech Groups Highlight Digital Taxes Outside Scope of US Probe The measures seek to tax the revenues of tech giants, many of which are U.S.-based. A growing number of countries are taking up such taxes because ...
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Democrats introduce bill reducing mining tax deductions raising about $55 million; Republicans ... Removing a percentage of the deductions would also benefit local governments, which also receive a portion of that tax revenue from those mining taxes ...
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Louisiana Extends July 15 Tax Deadlines to July 17 Louisiana's revenue department extended state tax deadlines falling on July 15 after its website and online tax portals experienced connectivity issues ...
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Tax extensions cause confusion for tax services and clients Laser 1040, a local tax service was swamped Tuesday as clients rushed to finish their taxes. Becky Spencer, owner of Laser 1040, says the extra ...
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Bipartisan House bill seeks financial relief for local newspapers through tax credits The Local Journalism Sustainability Act provides three types of tax credits — for local newspaper subscribers, advertisers and journalist compensation ...
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Polk County Tax Collector data breach exposes 450K driver's license numbers LAKELAND, Fla. (WFLA) – Polk County Tax Collector Joe Tedder says his office was a victim of a data breach that impacted 450,000 people in the ...
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County tax revenue estimates decrease $522M for three years About 62% of the estimated reduction for FY21 is because of decreases in income taxes, staff members told the council. The impact to FY21 property-tax ...
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Here are the best last-minute deals and discounts for filing your taxes If you're a last-minute filer, tax prep vendors have some deals to save you money, including free services, discounts, support for essential workers and ...
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Key tax considerations when using blockchain for value transfers Tax implications exist for blockchain deployments that transfer value without the use of digital assets such as cryptocurrency or tokens. Considering tax ...
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Help Desk: What you should know about CARES Act tax benefits for charitable giving The CARES Act allows an above-the-line charitable contribution deduction of up to $300 for taxpayers who do not itemize deductions on their 2020 tax ...
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Bice: Five Milwaukee-area counties to split up $4.3 million surplus from Miller Park tax The tax, which started 23 years ago, had been in effect in Milwaukee, Ozaukee, Washington, Waukesha and Racine counties. But weeks after taking this ...
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Property Tax Notices To Be Mailed To Catawba County Citizens Friday The Catawba County Tax Office is scheduled to mail more than 98,000 property tax notices Friday (July 17). Taxes will be due September 1, 2020, and ...
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Treasurer's office sees 50% increase in property tax delinquency The policy is open to anyone except accounts whose taxes are remitted by a mortgage company through a tax payer's escrow account. The policy also ...
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Abigail Disney wants the government to raise taxes on multimillionaires like herself to fund ... Disney's plan for a coronavirus wealth tax has support from at least 82 other ultrawealthy people across the globe and the International Monetary Fund ( ...
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LIPA/Northport school district tax deal defended as critics seek delay There will be an impact on the taxes that are paid." Owners of a $500,000 home will see annual their total annual tax bill increase from $10,861 this year ...
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Tax Day tips: Filing extensions and planning ahead The Treasury Department extended the tax filing deadline to July 15 this year in response to the coronavirus pandemic. But for more than 142 million ...
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To Pay for the Pandemic, Dry Out the Tax Havens These failures exacerbated the damage suffered by other countries around the world. With economies struggling and sharply reduced tax revenues for ...
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WEB | |||||||
IRS debunks tax refund myths IR-2020-161, July 16, 2020 ― With the July 15 tax deadline now past, the Internal Revenue Service reminds all taxpayers that there is no secret way ...
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CLNY Dividend Tax Treatment CLNY Dividend Tax Treatment. This section of our web site contains historical information. You should not assume that the information contained in ...
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FOREIGN NATIONALS AND THE TAX EFFECTS OF COVID-19 The individual is physically present in the U.S. for 183 days or more under a 3-year test, is not a tax resident of another country or doesn't have a closer ...
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AOC's Favorite State "Billionaires Tax" Bill Would Run Afoul of NY Constitution Some of New York City's leading progressive Democrats are mounting a campaign to pressure Governor Cuomo into backing a big new "wealth tax" ...
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Tax Assistance Programs State Tax Freeze Program. Applications can be obtained from the Trustee's office. Their phone number is 615-862-6330. They can be found online at ...
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CLNC Dividend Tax Treatment CLNC Dividend Tax Treatment. This section of our web site contains historical information. You should not assume that the information contained in ...
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Unrelated Business Income Tax – Does it Affect Your Nonprofit Organization? One of the great advantages of being a nonprofit organization is that the organization avoids paying income taxes in many situations. However, tax ...
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Site Search | Tax Collections January 1 – 31 – Tax Listing of Personal Property; August – Tax Bills are ... Wednesday in March the delinquent unpaid Real Estate Taxes are listed.
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Temporary Disability / Caregiver Insurance To download a TDI tax refund claim form on-line, click here. You can also obtain the refund form from the Division of Taxation, 1 Capitol Hill-Suite 36, ...
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Secret White House calls helped funnel tax money to Trump preachers This giveaway to churches is the first time in U.S. history that tax funds have been directly used to pay the salaries of ministers and religious staff for ...
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Tax on corporate transactions in China: overview What are the main corporate and/or capital gains taxes potentially payable on corporate transactions? Enterprise income tax (EIT). Key characteristics.
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Bill Status for SJRCA0040 Provides that there may be one tax on the income of individuals and corporations, that this may be a fair tax where lower rates apply to lower income ...
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renewonline Effective Immediately. Registration Renewals must be processed online or via mail! Renewing your registration online is quick and easy. No additional ...
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Payroll tax cut can be done before nightfall tonight: Rep. Burgess Texas Congressman Michael Burgess says he is 'absolutely' in favor of a payroll tax cut in the next stimulus package.
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Search Property Records Search Property Records · Search IAS Portal · Search Sales Records · Tax Maps · Aerial Photography/GIS · Map Cards · Important Dates · Forms
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Union calls for more funds for tax enforcement staff One way to put a dent in the record-high budget deficit is to devote more funding for the tax examination and collection operations of the IRS, the ...
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UI-TAX-JULY20- Installment sales may attract property buyers UI-TAX-JULY20- Installment sales may attract property buyers – SOCIAL-IMAGE. PrimeGlobal. PrimeGlobal. HoganTaylor is an independent member ...
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Applications Now Accepted for Beginning Farmer Tax Credits Applications are now being accepted for a tax credit program intended to support Pennsylvania's agriculture industry by helping new farmers get ...
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Tax Guides Each guide covers the tax types administered by the Revenue Division that are required for that industry. They include filing tips and links to relevant ...
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Road Map to a Transfer Pricing Controversy Coordination among global tax authorities has improved. The IRS is using new data and analytical tools, has access to economists and other experts, ...
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Ruth Sharry Sharry worked as a Director in the International Tax Group at PricewaterhouseCoopers in New York. Prior to that, she was a Senior Manager in the ...
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Edwards signs business tax breaks passed in special session He signed measures that will extend Louisiana's expiring historic tax credit program; allow businesses required to collect and remit sales taxes to keep a ...
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California Court of Appeal Decision May Result in Big Tax Savings for Some Commercial Property ... In a decision that could save some commercial property owners hundreds of thousands of dollars in taxes, the Court of Appeal for the First Appellate.
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