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Like Learning? You'll Hate The House Tax Bill Under Section 117(d) of the tax Code, these so-called "qualified tuition reductions" are non-taxable; allowing Mom to use whatever little disposable income she has to cover any of your expenses that aren't negated by the reduction. Thus, courtesy of Mom's herculean effort and her employer's generosity, ...
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Under New Tax Plan, the Cost of Aging Could Rise The two competing tax bills that will form the basis of an attempt at compromise over the coming weeks, one from the House of Representatives and one from the Senate, answer the question differently. The Senate bill would keep a deduction for medical expenses intact. The House bill would kill it off ...
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How the Tax Deal Could Fall Apart The biggest development this week was that negotiators, for the first time in the process, seriously looked at reinstating some version of the state and local income tax deduction. There appear to be two reasons for this. The first would be the sizable, and mercurial, California GOP delegation in the House.
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How the Tax Plan Will Send Jobs Overseas Last month, before the details of the Trump-GOP tax plan, I wrote here in The Atlantic that despite Trump's America First rhetoric, a major aspect of what was expected to be in their international tax plan would actually increase the incentives for U.S. multinationals to move both profits and operations ...
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Tax Court IRS And Secret Law The Tax Court is letting us down when it comes to electronic transparency. Public documents, such as briefs and petitions, that are readily available from other federal courts are effectively inaccessible to those of us who don't live or work in the nation's capital. And maybe the IRS and even some law ...
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House And Senate Tax Bills Bar Lawyer Tax Write-Offs For Costs These all seem like typical business expenses for lawyers, so how could there be a problem? One question is who is bearing the impact of these expenses, lawyer or client, and when? The tax law says that business expenses must be ordinary and necessary to be deductible, but don't these qualify?
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In a Moving Dialogue, Disabled Activist Confronted Jeff Flake About Tax Bill on His Plane Ride Home Despite his impairments — and, in some ways, because of them — Barkan was in the nation's capital this week to protest against the GOP tax reform bill moving through Congress. While the media has treated the tax plan as if it has already passed, Barkan is part of a grassroots resistance that is refusing ...
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Bought a $450M painting? In NY, don't worry about the tax If the painting of Christ raising a hand in blessing had been bought by someone who planned to keep it in New York, the buyer would be on the hook to pay an 8.875 percent state and local sales tax, which on a $450 million purchase would amount to around $39 million (30 million euros), said Jason ...
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Tax-loss selling to pressure 2017's losers in December Investors often exercise tax-loss selling strategies, dumping stocks that have performed poorly in order to reduce or eliminate capital gains taxes, as the year draws to a close. "This is something we do every December, we take losses for clients who we've created gains for," said Jake Dollarhide, chief ...
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How Reagan's Tax Cuts Fared MARTIN: That, of course, the voice of President Ronald Reagan speaking there in a televised address back in 1981, shortly before signing those very tax cuts into law. We wanted to talk about what kind of impact those tax cuts actually had, so we called our regular economic commentator David Wessel.
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Gaming The Tax Code Experts predict the new rules in the proposed tax overhaul will lead to many complexities in the tax code. And that likely means new opportunities for tax lawyers to find ways to game the system. Facebook; Twitter; Flipboard; Email ...
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Will The Tax Overhaul Help The Working Class? LIASSON: Olsen expected the tax plan to include some of Trump's populist campaign promises that the rich would pay more, the forgotten working class would pay less and special interest loopholes like the carried interest provision for hedge fund managers would be gone. But the tax bill, says Olsen, ...
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7 Tax Terms to Know as Congress Confers As the U.S. House and Senate negotiate a final tax bill, reports of compromises and horse-trading are likely to include eye-crossing tax terms and jargon. But those wonky words have real consequences for taxpayers of all incomes. Here are seven worth knowing, in alphabetical order: ...
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Tax-loss selling to pressure 2017's losers in December Investors are prevented from selling shares for tax harvesting purposes and buying them, or shares in a similar stock, within 30 days by an Internal Revenue Service regulation against what is known as a "wash sale." That wait period helps create a lag before the beaten-down stocks rebound.
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Citigroup: Tax Reform Perspective At an investor conference this week, Citigroup (C) management appeared to catch the market off guard with regard to the tax reform impact. The stock took a minor dip on the news, but some of the concerns are off basis. Citigroup still trades near the multi-year highs at $75. Plenty of reasons exist to ...
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GOP Tax Plan Could Hit Wildfire Victims Especially Hard Critics of the GOP tax plan have blasted the bill as disadvantageous to Americans in blue states, and as historic wildfires continue to blaze in Southern California, Democratic lawmakers there are decrying one reform in particular that seems to single out Californians. The bill proposes eliminating—or at ...
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The Republican tax plan leaves a $1.5 trillion bill for the middle class to pay Officially, the tax bill passed by the US Senate in the early morning hours of December 2 costs $1.45 trillion over 10 years, or $1 trillion after taking into account its effect on economic growth. Those are the numbers of the Joint Committee on Taxation, Congress's official arbiter of tax figures, but skeptics ...
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Tax Bill Favors Adding Robots Over Workers, Critics Say Republicans call their tax bill the Tax Cut and Jobs Act. But critics say maybe it should have been named the Tax Cut and Robots Act. That's because it doesn't create new tax incentives that specifically encourage companies to hire workers and create jobs, some employers and economists say.
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Trump Backs Keeping State Income Tax Break With Cap, Cohn Says But Cohn declined to say whether the White House supports setting the corporate income tax rate above 20 percent to help pay for the revenue cost of that change. The White House has sent mixed signals on where the corporate tax rate should be set. After insisting it should be cut to 20 percent from 35 ...
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31 House Republicans side with grad students on tuition tax Even some Republicans who voted for the House tax bill are concerned about the provision to tax graduate student tuition waivers. After students across the country staged walkouts to protest the proposal last week, 31 Republican House members -- who all voted for the bill to pass -- have asked party ...
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Does the 2017 Tax Plan Eliminate Deduction for Losses from Wildfires, Other Natural Disasters? The House and Senate versions of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act differed slightly in their proposals. While the House version would eliminate the personal casualty deduction entirely, the Senate version would keep it, while limiting its scope to losses incurred in "federally declared disasters," a category ...
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GOP's Tax Bill Could Eliminate Wildfire Tax Deduction as California Blazes Rage With wildfires destroying hundreds of homes as they rampage across Southern California this week, Democrats are again chastising Republicans for eliminating a natural disaster deduction from the tax reform bill that the House passed last month. The House bill, approved on Nov. 16, removes the ...
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Tax Overhaul Hammers Clean Energy and Electric Cars A series of proposals in both the House and Senate tax overhaul bills would pummel the renewable-energy and electric-vehicle industries. Legislators from both chambers are now hashing out their differences in the reconciliation committee in hopes of delivering a final bill to the White House before the ...
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Bitcoin boom has tax-prep giants answering consumer queries "The $800 gain is your income from this," reads the answer from LouisH, who is described as a "Senior Tax Advisor" in Florida. "Because the investment was a gift you do not need to report it on any of your tax returns as gifts are not taxable to the recipient." That distinction could be important when you're ...
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Opinion: Why do Republican want to tax tuition waivers for graduate students but not football ... Tax reform is hard enough when it is based on a set of principles around which Congress can write a new law. But when lawmakers start with no strong foundation, it is easy for them to sink into a morass of inconsistency and special-interest dealing. That's what's happening with the Tax Cuts and Jobs ...
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Bitcoin Swings and Tax Glitches Yesterday was a big milestone for Money Stuff, and for me: It is perhaps the first time that I have ever made a market prediction that turned out to be right. Right-ish. Right enough. Yesterday morning, with the price of bitcoin a bit north of $15,000, I predicted that it would break $16,000 by that afternoon.
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No city would ever pass this tax bill As the mayor of a small, Midwestern city, I'm watching federal tax reform play out in the nosebleed seats, far from the debate about deductions, sunsets, trade deficits, health-care impacts and dollar effects. But I work every day for people who will be affected directly. Much in the tax proposals distresses ...
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'Evil' Tax Cuts? Nope, It's Blue-State Panic It's a magical time, bursting with joy and merriment, the laughter of children, jolly parties, twinkling lights, mildly terrifying mall-dwelling Santas . . . and the faint sounds of caterwauling blue-state politicians shrieking that the GOP tax bill signals the end of civilization as we know it. Can you hear it? Fire and ...
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County Leaders Say Federal Tax Bill Will 'Punish' New York Taxpayers Albany County Executive Dan McCoy said the federal tax bill will lead to many middle- and upper-class New Yorkers paying higher taxes because of the proposed end to state and local tax deductions. And he said the state's over $4 billion projected deficit and potential funding cuts aren't helping either.
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Angola Tax Guide 2016/2017 The Angola PKF Tax Guide provides details about taxation within Angola and is free to download.
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D-410 Application for Extension for Filing Individual Income Tax Return Form D-410 Application for Extension for Filing Individual Income Tax Return.
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Bitcoin's 'Message' & Tax Reform's 'Hidden Agenda' The hidden agenda in the so-called tax reform bill is to act as stop-gap quantitative easing to plug the "liquidity" hole that is opening up as the Federal Reserve (America's central bank) makes a few gestures to winding down its balance sheet and "normalizing" interest rates. Thus, the aim of the tax bill is ...
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Sales tax and value-Added Tax (VAT) Vimeo charges Value-Added Tax (VAT) or GST (goods and services tax) on VOD sales made to purchasers in the following VAT- or...
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Tax Bill 3: Don't Mess With Taxes I. Thanks to everyone who commented on my last two posts, especially the many people who disagreed with me. Two things I will admit I got mostly wrong: 1. I was wrong to say there was "no case" for the tax bill. Aside from all of the minor provisions which can be good or bad, the case for slashing ...
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Winners and Losers After Paying for the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act Tax cuts often look like "free lunches" for taxpayers, but they eventually have to be paid for with other tax increases or spending cuts. We examine the distributional effects – with and without financing – of both the House and Senate versions of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. When ignoring financing, the bills ...
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2015 Massachusetts Personal Income Tax Forms and Instructions In this list. +. Form 1: Massachusetts Resident Income Tax Return. Form 1-NR/PY: Massachusetts Nonresident or Part-Year Resident Income Tax Return. Massachusetts Income Tax Additional Forms ...
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GL Account in Tax Code Not Found "Hi Experts, While posting invoice through FB60 I am getting an error ""GL account in tax code not found"". The tax is being calculated but while simulating the invoice i am getting the above error. Kindly suggest me what is to be done. Thanks & Regards, Jyotika Bhatia"
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Tennessee Staffing Company Operator Convicted of Employment Tax Fraud A Tennessee temporary staffing company officer was convicted today by a federal jury in Memphis of conspiring to defraud the United States, failing to pay over employment taxes, filing fraudulent employment tax returns, theft of government funds and aggravated identity theft, announced Acting Deputy ...
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Form E-502K, 7.5% Sales and Use Tax Chart This tax chart is provided for the convenience of the retailer in computing the applicable sales and use tax. The tax amount is a mathematical computation of the sales price of the taxable property multiplied by the sales and use tax rate, rounded to the nearest whole cent.
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Who Would Pay For The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act? The House and Senate have passed different versions of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA). Both bills would reduce federal revenues by more than $1.4 trillion over the next decade, and would introduce large corporate tax cuts; large tax cuts for pass-through businesses and estates; and smaller tax cuts ...
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Allen, Allen & Foster, LLP Allen, Allen & Foster, LLP is a full service tax, accounting, and business consulting firm located in Daphne, AL.
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Winners and Losers After Paying for the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act Winners and Losers After Paying for the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act · William G. Gale, Surachai Khitatrakun, Aaron Krupkin. December 8, 2017. Download PDFPrint. Share ...
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Tax Entry not Possible in this item Message no. FF724 "Hi, When, I am posting the entry with the tax code system is not calculating the tax and when I am giving the tax manually system comes up with the error "" Tax entry not possible in this item Message no. FF724 Diagnosis You can not enter a tax amount in this item since, due to the posting amount ...
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The GOP Tax Plan Is Pro-Growth The Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) has estimated that the Senate Republican tax bill would increase the size of the U.S. economy by 0.8 percent, on average, over the period 2018 to 2027. According to JCT, that extra economic growth would reduce the revenue loss from the legislation by $408 ...
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How the tax plan could send jobs overseas The Atlantic Last month, before the details of the Trump-GOP tax plan, I wrote here in The Atlantic that despite Trump's America First rhetoric, a major aspect of what was expected to be in their international tax plan would actually increase the incentives for U.S. multinationals to move both profits and operations ...
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Brady Announces Tax Cuts and Jobs Act Conference Meeting WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX) announced that the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (H.R. 1) House-Senate Conference will hold an open meeting on Wednesday, December 13th. "The House and the Senate are working together now on a unified, ...
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AHA shares tax reform concerns with House, Senate conferees The AHA today urged House and Senate conferees on the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act to adopt the Senate position maintaining tax exemption for private activity bonds, i...
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These 4 Big Dividends Will Benefit Big Time From the Tax Plan These 4 Big Dividends Will Benefit Big Time From the Tax Plan. Brett Owens, Chief Investment Strategist Updated: December 8, 2017. Congressional Republicans are closer than ever to passing wide changes to America's tax code. From 10,000 feet, they largely feature: Varying levels of tax cuts for ...
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Tax court ruling on 280E case could come this month A ruling from the U.S. Tax Court on whether the 280E provision should not apply to state-licensed marijuana businesses could come before the end of the year. The case – which was tried in mid-2016 by San Francisco attorney Henry Wykowski – has the potential to reshape the U.S. cannabis industry ...
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Suyapa Portillo on Honduras Electoral Chaos, Rebecca Cokley on GOP The electoral chaos in Honduras—where a president hasn't been declared nearly two weeks after voting—requires media to connect the dots.
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Lawyer Living Lavish Lifestyle Pleads Guilty to Filing False Tax Return COLUMBUS, Ohio – Scott W. Atway, 44, of Powell, pleaded guilty in U.S. District Court to filing a false tax return. Benjamin C. Glassman, United States Attorney for the Southern District of Ohio, and Ryan L. Korner, Special Agent in Charge, Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Criminal Investigation, ...
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Republicans plan to make dark money political attack ads tax deductible for billionaire backers Right now, billionaires can pour unlimited secret money into political attack ads. Soon, if congressional Republicans get their way, that secret political attack money will be tax deductible. Currently, 501(c)(4) groups are a major conduit for spending by undisclosed donors, but: The tax overhaul bill offers a ...
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What the Tax Bill Means for Students The new House tax reform bill, the "Tax Cuts and Jobs Act" ("Act"), significantly departs from the current tax code. The Act alters the tax brackets, lowers the corporate tax rate by 15 percent, and eliminates the majority of current deductions and credits. The main goals of the Act are to simplify the tax code ...
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Republican Tax Plans Cost More — and Add Less to Growth In describing their tax plans, Republican lawmakers have relied on overstated claims of economic growth, fuzzy math, and wishful thinking.
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Federal Issues of Alternative Investment Boot Camp for Tax-Exempt Organizations This webinar is part of the Private Foundations Webinar Series.
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Ohio Tax Amnesty Program to Begin on January 1, 2018 Among other provisions, the bill calls for a tax amnesty program to be conducted from January 1, 2018 to February 15, 2018. The Ohio Department of Taxation ("ODT") recently issued additional guidance on the program in the form of several different publications. Complete details of the amnesty can be ...
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