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NEWS | ||||||||
How Apple shifts its billions US tech giant Apple has shifted an estimated $8.9 billion in untaxed profits from its Australian operations to a tax haven structure in Ireland in the last ...
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New tax cut plan criticized in Missouri Senate JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. — A new plan making potential income tax cuts contingent upon a variety of factors, including school funding, faced criticism ...
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DOJ files tax evasion raps vs. ousted Chief Justice Renato Corona (Updated 4:55 p.m.) Ten months after resolving the tax evasion complaint against former Chief Justice Renato Corona, the Department of Justice has ...
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Tax revenue from legalized marijuana may not meet expectations "Going out and getting tax revenue is absolutely the wrong reason to even think about legalizing recreational marijuana," he said, since it puts a state ...
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Filing Your Tax Return Is Terrible -- But It Was Worse 100 Years Ago But some tax years really are worse than others. And one particularly bad season came at the very start. Exactly 100 years ago this week, Americans ...
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My IRS tax records were breached, misused against me -- and it can happen to you, too My story about the IRS is about a stonewall as well, but for something far more serious: the invasion of personal and confidential tax records that are ...
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Harford County AARP Tax-Aide Program volunteers offer free preparation help For the last month, Harford County AARP Tax-Aide Program volunteers have been preparing, for free, federal and Maryland tax return forms for the ...
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Could You Make Tax Protester Theories Work For You? For the most part the Tax Court has given up on tax protesters. Telling them that their arguments are frivolous and sanctioning them more or less ...
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Zen Tips for Tax Time It's tax time: The corporate tax filing deadline is March 17 this year; individual tax returns are due next month. What to do first? Take a deep breath.
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Tax breaks ended in Webster Webster, N.Y. - The County of Monroe Industrial Development Authority, or COMIDA, terminated its tax break agreement with a Webster developer ...
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Childcare tax credit for low income Colorado families advances on party-line vote DENVER - Colorado Democrats are moving forward with a tax credit that could give low-income families a break on the cost of childcare that's similar ...
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Tax break request in limbo for Manchester Twp. warehouse The owners of a new 708,000-square-foot warehouse along Interstate 83 in Manchester Township are hoping for tax breaks, saying the multi-million ...
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UK Tax on Empty Properties Would Ease Home Shortage, EU Says The U.K. government should consider introducing a tax on vacant properties to encourage construction companies to make better use of the land, the ...
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Tax programs to mean millions back to Ohio companies It could be a much easier tax season for Ohio businesses, with several programs underway to reduce business taxes and return overpaid funds from ...
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Tax incentive draws potential homeowners to Riverside County He is now trying to reach out to more homeowners who could save money -- as much as half -- on their property taxes under Prop. 90. McKenna was ...
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Tax laws must be rewritten: Labor "There is an issue where businesses operating around the world are not necessarily paying their fair share of tax where they are earning their profits" .
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Tax filers are unaware of identity theft risks COSTA MESA, Calif., March 5, 2014 /PRNewswire/ --This tax season, there's more to worry about than getting an IRS audit, especially since the ...
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Tax relief proposed for seniors, vets SOMERSET — The selectmen decided last week to ask special town meeting voters to approve of giving a total of $14,000 in tax relief among 28 ...
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Tax preparer calls work 'fun and scary' The work has changed considerably since she started at Wheeler, Westerhaus, and Wheeler as a legal secretary in 1972. "Everything was done by ...
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Tax credit proposed for touring Broadway shows A proposed tax credit announced Wednesday could induce more Broadway shows to start their tours in upstate New York. The Empire State Live ...
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Hicks: Tax hike to be on November ballot, maybe Nancy Hicks covers local government and nonprofits for the Journal Star. Find more of her stories and columns on our government and politics page, ...
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TAX CUTS: Governor's plan for Minnesota budget surplus Minnesota Gov. Mark Dayton is proposing $616 million in tax cuts for married couples and working families in light of the state's projected $1.2 billion ...
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Tax Tips for Troops and Families: Tax Deductions Though the deduction taken ultimately doesn't change AGI when it comes to tax credit amounts that can be taken, it can greatly affect the amount of ...
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LAWRENCE: Tax rate could show a decrease For the first time in more than a decade, Lawrence Township property owners are in line for a decrease in the municipal property tax rate, based on the ...
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Sales tax renewal committee working on list of street projects A nine-member committee studying proposals for the possible renewal of a sales tax for capital projects will rank a list of needs for street and road ...
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Senate approves personal property tax plan The personal property tax, long the bane of Michigan businesses and headache for local units of government, began the march toward elimination ...
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Obama's Tax Plan Favors the Poor Over the Rich The $4 trillion budget plan for 2015 that President Obama presented on March 4 follows a recurring tax theme of his administration: bigger and better ...
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Obama's Tax Credit Proposals Would Help Over 750000 New Jerseyans President Obama's budget includes several important improvements to the pro-work Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and Child Tax Credit (CTC) that ...
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Most tax-friendly states for retirees "Retirees should really do their homework on the types of taxes they'd be responsible for paying and the rates they'd be taxed at when comparing ...
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Alamance tax reval process kicking into gear County Tax Administrator Jeremy Akins said Wednesday during a joint meeting with the Alamance County Board of Commissioners and Alamance ...
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Tax Certs, Vets Break Talk At Herricks Superintendent of Schools Dr. John Bierwirth gave an update on the lawsuit Nassau school districts had leveled against the county regarding tax ...
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GCS fears tax law will hurt budget vote Several veterans came before the board requesting approval for the tax exemption. Veteran Charles Hunt of Greenville said, "We are not asking for ...
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BLOGS | ||||||||
Does America Need a Robin Hood Tax? - Pacific Standard: The Science of Society A Robin Hood-style tax, also known as a financial transaction tax, is on track to be finalized by a coalition of 11 European Union governments before ...
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Local Governments Fear Plan to Tax Bond Interest Threatens Road Funding : Roll Call Policy House Ways and Means Chairman Dave Camp s proposed tax overhaul got high marks last week from federal transportation leaders for committing to ...
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Block calls for spending, tax cuts — Brown Daily Herald Republican gubernatorial candidate Ken Block announced a plan to transform the state's tax system, reduce government spending and instate ...
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Hassle-free tax preparation for Americans in Germany - The Local If you dread filing your US expat taxes each year, you are not alone. But Greenback Expat Tax Services can prepare your taxes efficiently, accurately ...
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The Way Forward: Tax and Spend - Campaign For America's Future Changing tax rates and spending levels are two of the three standard tools policymakers have at their disposal to goose the economy. The other is ...
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Tax Havens Make US and Europe Look Poorer than They Are, Exaggerate Size of "Global ... Shaxson, a veteran Financial Times reporter, gave some dimension and color to the inherently difficult-to-cover tax haven business, or what he called ...
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$200 Million Coal Tax Revenue To Fund 1,000 MW Solar Park In India | CleanTechnica About 20 per cent of this investment would come from the National Clean Energy Fund which derives revenue from tax on coal produced and imported ...
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New Coalition To Educate Californians on Consequences of Another Oil Tax - California Chamber ... To create a new tax on oil only extracted in California will drive up the price of California oil which constitutes about 40% of the California gasoline ...
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Moscow Region Mulls Additional Investor Tax Breaks | The Moscow Times The maximum possible tax break, for those investing more than 500 million rubles ($13.8 million) is a eight-year abatement on property tax and 4.5 ...
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Supervisors endorse two state fire tax relief bills - Ramona Sentinel | Ramona Sentinel Two bills introduced in the state Legislature to provide relief from the fire tax imposed on property owners in state responsibility areas have the support ...
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New Tax Cut Plan Debated in Missouri Senate « CBS St. Louis A new plan to cut Missouri income taxes is drawing opposition from both Republicans and Democrats in the state Senate.
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Woman sentenced to prison in federal wire fraud, tax case | News-Gazette.com U.S. District Court Judge Michael McCuskey on Tuesday ordered Karyn E. Graham, 44, to serve 33 months in prison for wire fraud and filing a false tax ...
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"BBW:LA" Star Brittish Williams Facing $1800 Tax LIEN Against Her House + Isn't Proud About Her ... Looks like Brittish Williams owes taxes on her house in Missouri and she is addressing her behavior on the latest episode of "BBW: L.A." Find out what ...
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TaxVox » Blog Archive » The Macro Effects of Camp's Tax Reform When House Ways & Means Chairman Dave Camp rolled out his tax reform last week, the Joint Committee on Taxation evaluated its macroeconomic ...
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Bogut's Bonus Could Push Warriors Into Tax - Hoops Rumors The Bulls have a similar arrangement with Taj Gibson that would put them into tax territory, as Mark Deeks of ShamSports previously reported, but ...
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Yudichak Hosts Seniors at Property Tax/Rent Rebate Outreach Event | Senator John T. Yudichak Since mid-February, Yudichak's staff has helped local senior citizens apply for more than $125,000 in Property Tax and Rent Rebates – which ...
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Kestrel tax 'absolutely necessary', says Cameron - The Daily Mash Cameron said: "We believe there are literally hundreds of alienated youngsters finding solace in pet kestrels without paying a single penny in tax.
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Untax the rich? Dayton offers different tone this year with gift, estate tax proposals | MinnPost One reason for the DFL's tax-cut fever are the string of favorable economic forecasts showing the state with a fat cash surplus even in outlying years.
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Begich doesn't support a carbon tax | KTOO The conservative group last month began running an ad that said Begich is on record supporting a carbon tax and urging Senate Majority Leader ...
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Seminar on a topic called „Doing business and tax system in Finland: How to navigate in the ... On April 9 a seminar called „Doing business and tax system in Finland: How to navigate in the Finnish tax law?" will take place in hotel Kreutzwald and ...
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Credit Suisse's cloak-and-dagger tactics to help U.S. tax cheats used in Canada too, documents ... A new U.S. Senate report on Credit Suisse Group AG and its efforts to help wealthy Americans dodge taxes makes for a gripping read, especially the ...
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Bipartisan opposition stalls senate tax cut bill - Missourinet Senator Will Kraus of Lee's Summit has been negotiating tax cut legislation with Governor Nixon and his staff and he thinks they've agreed on a bill ...
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Tax preferences, part 1 – extracted fuel | Washington State House Democrats One sensible approach to generating additional revenue is to close some of the 650 tax preferences we have on the books. This week, the House will ...
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Payroll Pro version U4 released with new Tax Declaration form | Antek IT Solutions Payroll Pro Classic has been updated to included the new tax declaration form issued by the Sint Maarten Tax Office. The calculate salary utility has ...
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Timeless Tax Tips: There is Always a Loophole - The Daily Reckoning As the saying goes, there are only two certainties in life: death and taxes. But there are ways to mitigate the latter's impact on your wealth. The late ...
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Alleviate tax stress | The Lode at Michigan Tech Taxes can be stressful and difficult to file. Some students, being away from home, may not know where to turn. Should you call Mom and Dad and try to ...
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What's next for the Columbia Co. Tax Commissioners Office? - WRDW News 12 Both Kay Allen and her husband Charles Allen have resigned, leaving two empty seats up for grabs. Who will fill the tax commissioners position and ...
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Apple Sent Billions Offshore To Avoid Australia Tax - The Beverly Hills Courier The newspaper said the US tech giant moved an estimated Aus$8.9 billion (US$8.1 billion) in untaxed profits from Australia to a tax haven structure in ...
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President Obama's 2015 budget strengthens federal Earned Income Tax Credit for childless workers In fact, childless workers are the sole group of workers that the federal tax system actually pushes below the poverty line, according to the Center on ...
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A Tax Is Not a User Fee! - Laissez Faire Books [Ed. Note: This article was originally published in 1999, but the ideas are still relevant today. Since taxes are probably on your mind as we head toward ...
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When a tax exemption bill isn't a new tax exemption... - Eye On Boise - Spokesman.com - March 5 ... The Senate Local Government & Taxation Committee has voted unanimously in favor of HB 531, to grant a sales tax exemption to Camp Rainbow ...
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Board Votes to Advertise Tax Rate for FY15 Budget - Coles District The Prince William Board of County Supervisors voted to advertise a tax rate of $1.158 per $100 of assessed value during their meeting on Tuesday, ...
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Supe Who Proposed Soda Tax Calls For Hearing On SF's $500 Million Diabetes Crisis - SF Appeal Supervisor Scott Wiener, a co-sponsor of a proposed ballot measure that would impose a tax on sodas and other sugary beverages sold in San ...
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Farming Talk: Time to consider your tax planning options « Shropshire Star With the Budget on March 19 and the end of 2014 tax year fast approaching, it's time to consider the options which are available to reduce the level of ...
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Chairman Camp Releases Tax Reform Discussion Draft | NSBA On Feb. 26, House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dave Camp (R-Mich.) released a draft entitled: "Tax Reform Act of 2014" that would lower ...
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City seeks reauthorization of new construction tax credit | Maryland Daily Record An ordinance to reauthorize a tax credit used to entice residents to purchase newly constructed homes will go before the Baltimore City Council next ...
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Tax Preparers Help Boost Obamacare Numbers | Money Talks News Americans can kill two birds with one stone by filing their taxes and buying health insurance at the same time.
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Pretend Baller: Tax-Time Dating « Chicago's B96 – 96.3 FM - Chicago's B96 - CBS Local Producer Gabe's friend Brad decided to have some fun with his tax money! He met a girl and decided to pamper her with all these fancy and thoughtful ...
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True Economics: 6/3/2014: Defending Ireland's Tax Regime Requires Reforms Only one cloud obscured the otherwise sunny horizon of the trip: our corporate tax regime. Mentioned in the context of Yahoo's decision to shift all of ...
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DOJ files tax evasion case vs Corona - Rappler The DOJ files 6 counts of willfull attempt to evade tax and 6 counts of failure to file income tax return against the dismissed chief justice.
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Adoption Tax Credit Threatened | Brownswissmomma's Blog ALERT – BREAKING NEWS: Last Wednesday, February 26, Chairman Camp of the Ways and Means Committee released his much anticipated tax ...
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Shopping center wins five-year tax appeal | Rahway Rising Another month, another multi-year tax appeal is settled. A shopping center that straddles the border of Rahway and Woodbridge will get a refund of ...
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Prison Planet.com » World Health Organisation calls for sugar tax The move follows calls by some leading scientists and campaigners for the current recommended daily limits on sugar intake to be halved to 5 per ...
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Greens call for more time to study cross-border tax law | iPolitics The Green Party is asking Ottawa to give Canadians more time to comment on a controversial tax information sharing deal with the US.
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Tax Cuts! | Shot in the Dark BERG: "Tax cuts?" You hiked the budget $2.1 Billion, and took over a billion extra out of the economy, and the DFL's idea of a "tax cut" is to give a few ...
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Picture of the Day: Yoo In-na the Tax Chief | ROK Drop Actress Yoo In-na attends a ceremony at a tax office in Mapo District, central Seoul, on March 3, 2014, for her appointment as a one-day chief of the ...
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Dublin Opinion » Blog Archive » CORPORATION TAX DEBATE IN IRELAND If this story was to run under Irish progressive rules, all we would hear is that the "effective" corporation tax rate in the UK is 13.4 percent. I simply do ...
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Start Making Sense: NYU Tax Policy Colloquium, week 6: Hines and Logue, Delegating Tax Yesterday at the NYU Tax Policy Colloquium, Jim Hines and Kyle Logue presented their paper, "DelegatingTax." The paper's main arguments are: (1) ...
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Obama Sticking With Cigarette Tax Increase as Part of Budget | CSPnet Obama's proposed 2015 budget would raise per-pack cigarette tax by 94 cents.
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LOL: Thomas Friedman Wants Carbon Tax To Scare Putin » Pirate's Cove I'd also raise our gasoline tax, put in place a carbon tax and a national renewable energy portfolio standard — all of which would also help lower the ...
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USDOJ: Justice Department Asks Federal Court to Shut Down Clinton, Miss., Tax Preparer The United States filed a complaint seeking to bar Kavivah Branson, aka Kavivah Bradley, and her Jackson, Miss., business, Branson Tax Service, ...
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Talking taxes: What you need to know for tax season 2014 - Videos - CBS News CBS News business analyst Jill Schlesinger talks to the "CBS This Morning" co-hosts about the most important changes this year you need to know ...
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Apple moved billions offshore to avoid Australia tax, report says - Yahoo News Last year, Apple reported pre-tax earnings in Australia of only Aus$88.5 million after sending an estimated Aus$2 billion from its Australian sales to ...
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here - Department of the Treasury Permanently Extend Increased Refundability of the Child Tax Credit . ... Permanently Extend Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) for Larger Families and ...
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Bill would repeal Hall Tax, make TN income tax free - WSMV Channel 4 There's a new push to repeal a little-known tax in Tennessee. And if it happens, it could make the state completely income tax free.
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NYT's Tom Friedman plan to 'frighten Putin': Raise U.S. gas taxes and enact a carbon tax! 'I'd also ... 'I'd also raise our gasoline tax, put in place a carbon tax'. Friedman: Raise Gas Taxes, Enact Carbon Tax to Stop Putin. By: Marc Morano - Climate ...
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Tax Time: Getting Primed For April 15th | Wisconsin Public Radio Tax time is just around the corner on Tuesday, April 15th.
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A Brief Chat With a Tax Avoider - Yahoo Finance From Yahoo Finance: Tax season is upon us, fand for some people, it's almost unbearable. Here's a conversation with one of them.
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Unplanned Reductions on Your Tax Return – How not to go Wrong! - Better Business Bureau It's that time of year that many look forward to. All year long we've been good citizens (hopefully), paying our taxes on a regular basis. Now it's that time ...
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The Camp bank tax: Right idea, wrong policy « Hot Air Wall Street is at it again. Not satisfied with decades of financial gains due to various federal programs – including government subsidies and tax ...
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Obama Looks to Expand Earned Income Tax Credit: Video - Bloomberg March 5 (Bloomberg) –- Bloomberg's Nela Richardson discusses President Obama's anti-poverty drive. She speaks with Erik Schatzker and Scarlet Fu ...
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Local colleges await their fate as tax-free zone bidders - Newsday Some local colleges are expected to find out this month whether they'll be home to Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo's tax-free zones for businesses.
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World Health Organization calls for sugar tax Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind! The WHO set out draft guidance advising a dramatic reduction in sugar intake amid growing evidence that it contributes to chronic diseases. The move ...
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Detroit tax office owner describes shooting | News - Home - Click On Detroit When a man opened fire last week at Tax City on Detroit's east side, the owner said ...
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BRT on the Budget: International Tax Proposals Go in Wrong Direction | Business Roundtable The Roundtable has long called for setting the corporate tax rate at a more competitive level so that America's businesses can continue to invest and ...
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History of Tax Day | Taxes - Home - KRDO.com As you're in the process of filing your taxes you might start to wonder -- how did Tax Day originate?
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Teachers slam portrayal of doctors as tax cheats | Headlines, News, The Philippine Star | philstar.com TDC national chair Benjo Basas said BIR should not generalize the country's doctors as tax cheats even if reports claim that some physicians do not ...
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Anti-soda tax mailing warns about impacts to SF's affordability | Under The Dome | San Francisco ... As expected, the American Beverage Association's opposition to the proposed November tax on sugary beverages, like soda, is trying to capitalize ...
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Moody on the Market - SBAM Supports Tax Reform He says, "For the first time in more than a century a vast majority of Michigan's small businesses did not have to pay a tax on their equipment this year.
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Ballot mistakes add to road tax debate | WOODTV.com GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (WOOD) — A "lack of communications" is how Kent County elections officials are describing a problem connected to the City of ...
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Senate's Proposed Tax Breaks Would Cost Big In The Long Run — Budget and Policy Center Although these tax breaks are projected to have a relatively small, $10.3 million impact on the current 2013-15 state budget, if enacted, their costs ...
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Business Tax Debate Headed To Conference Committee - WFYI Indiana's House and Senate fiscal leaders will take a debate over tax cuts for businesses into the last weeks of the legislative session.
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Sponsored: Guide to 2013 family tax credits and deductions - Today's Parent In the stress and chaos of tax season, these 8 family tax credits and deductions can help save you time and money.
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More tax credits, spending in Obama's budget plan | www.daytondailynews.com President Barack Obama Tuesday proposed a $3.9 trillion budget for the federal spending year that starts in October, urging Congress to approve a ...
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Airline Taxes and Fees Rise in President Obama's Budget | Tax Foundation The last week appears to have been tax week at the federal level, with Chairman Dave Camp's (R-MI) proposal coming out in late February, and ...
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BBC News - Scottish independence: Salmond not committing to 50p tax rate post-yes First Minister Alex Salmond tells a gathering in London he will not commit to a post-yes Scotland reintroducing the 50p rate of income tax.
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Huge tax incentive for retirees | Fin24 Old Mutual legal adviser Tristan Naidoo says the tax breaks announced in the budget speech by Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan for retirees is a big ...
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Apple sent billions offshore to avoid Australia tax, report says | Crooks and Liars Concerns are mounting that global companies, particularly those involved in the digital and Internet sectors, can reduce their tax bills by shifting profits ...
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House passes film tax-rebate bill after reconsideration - Tulsa World: Capitol Report Reportedly, the makers of "August: Osage County" spent $35.1 million in the state and will get about $5 million back through the program.
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Beaufort County considers one cent Local Option Sales Tax - WTOC-TV: Savannah, Beaufort, SC ... 31 out of 46 South Carolina counties already use a local option sales tax. Beaufort County has never passed one. For every $1, $0.71 would go back ...
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Senior Consultant - Tax & Superannuation Training at Institute of Chartered Accountants Australia ... Reporting to the National Manager, Tax Super & Financial Planning training, this diverse role works closely with a range of internal and external ...
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Breaking: Obama to propose expanding EITC and child tax credit in budget - Free Republic President Obama's budget to be released on Tuesday will propose expanding the earned-income-tax-credit and the child-tax-credit, a pair of tax ...
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Tax Analyst - Los Angeles County - Pharmaceuticals | execute7s WordPress - Century Group Participate in the preparation of the consolidated tax provision and income tax returns for the US corporate group. Prepare various other compliance ...
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Allentown arena zone sweeps up $48.2 million in 2013 state taxes - Morning Call Fueled by a downtown construction boom, Allentown's Neighborhood Improvement Zone is raking in state tax dollars. The Pennsylvania Department ...
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Film tax shelter to be reformed | Flanders Today The proposed reform, which must pass both the Belgian Parliament and European Commission, will restructure the tax shelter and pave the way for an ...
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Administrative Assistant - Tax - Craigslist Moss Adams is searching for a skilled Administrative Assistant to join their Tax group. The Administrative Assistant performs a variety of routine ...
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Grover Norquist joins push to roll back Hall tax in TN | The Tennessean | tennessean.com Conservative anti-tax activist Grover Norquist joined forces with Tennessee lawmakers Tuesday morning as they promote legislation to do away with ...
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House considers raising estate tax exemption - WTOP.com Some nonprofit organizations say Maryland's estate tax is driving their wealthy donors out of state during retirement. They support a new bill raising ...
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Rescinding the jobs tax - San Diego 6 Rescinding the jobs tax. Tools. Print; Email; Tweet. 0 Comments. Rescinding the jobs tax. To: From: Message: (Optional). 250 Characters Remaining.
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Same-sex couples still face tax nightmares | Money - Home - Local News 8 Married same-sex couples finally have the right to file their federal taxes jointly this year. But for many of those living in states that don't recognize their ...
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Palace defends BIR chief from tax ad backlash: She's not arrogant | Economy | GMA News Online Malacañang on Wednesday came to the defense of Bureau of Internal Revenue chief Kim Jacinto-Henares, saying she is not arrogant for refusing to ...
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Senate commerce panel weighs in on business tax repeals | Capitol View | Minnesota Public ... DFL leaders in the Minnesota Senate remain reluctant to repeal three business sales taxes that passed last session, but that hasn't stopped other ...
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Suggests option for carbon tax | Letters to the Editor | The Bellingham Herald One approach taken by British Columbia in 2008 mandates a tax on carbon fuels at the original source. The long-term goal is not only to mitigate ...
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BBB: Top tax scams - San Diego 6 Created: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 11:48:00 PST. Updated: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 11:48:53 PST. Sheryl Reichert, Pres. & CEO BBB San Diego. Advertisement ...
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BIR to propose lower income tax rates | ABS-CBN News MANILA – Income tax burdened employees have some hope for relief.
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Same-sex marriage tax benefits nixed by Senate | WANE Lawmakers voted to change a tax bill Monday, a move allowing the state to keep its current policy, which does not recognize same-sex marriages for ...
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JEFFERSON CITY, Mo.: New tax cut plan criticized in Missouri Senate | National Business News ... A new plan making potential income tax cuts contingent upon a variety of factors, including school funding, faced criticism Wednesday from both ...
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Tax Library : Potter Financial Solutions, Inc. We've put together a collection of resources to help you manage your taxes as well as prepare for the upcoming tax season. Simply click on one of the ...
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Call Gartner Tax Preparation Inc. if you are having trouble filing your taxes - (208) 733-8291 We look forward to hearing from you! Following are the main services Gartner Tax Preparation, Inc. specializes in: ☼ Individual tax preparation.
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